GO FURTHER, FASTER: Try the Swift Career Accelerator today! >>
Together again for lots of best practices, backed up with a sprinkling of big new features.
Packed Sessions, hands-on labs, and a look forward to next year
A brief look back on another year of Hacking with Swift
Nominate the people and projects that help you the most
Learn more Swift and meet new friends at the same time.
With nine months before WWDC20 now is the time to dream.
Thank you to all our speakers, attendees, and volunteers!
The popular conference in Berlin puts its traditional CFP on hold.
17 conferences with 17 different talks – how did it go?
Summing up Swift in seventeen syllables or fewer.
Swift, wine, and good times come back to Logroño
Sweden’s new Swift conference aces its first year.
The UK's oldest conference is now in its eighth year
Our community’s biggest conference is over for another year
Switzerland’s largest mobile conference is now in its third year
iOS comes back to the heart of London
Amsterdam's largest multi-platform conference is over for another year
There’s more to Swift than middle-aged white men
France's largest iOS conference was back in Paris and better than ever
16 questions that will test your knowledge of Swift history and more
Did you win something? Find out inside!
Find out how you can win free books and videos to learn Swift faster!
The Italian conference is fast becoming the European conference
26 sessions on testing, GameplayKit, accessibility and more.
Apple's September event brought new devices, new features, and 3D poop.
If you’re looking for news, tips, or humor, here are some programmers that will inspire you.
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