Recorded – watch the full episode on YouTube.
Paul Hudson: Welcome back to Swiftly Speaking, folks. My name's Paul Hudson, and today I have my friend Carola Nitz with me. She'll be talking about improving your debugging skills, how to work with legacy code in big projects and also how to organize your own Swift conferences.
Lots of folks are here live on YouTube – thank you very much for coming. I have questions for her but you can go ahead and ask your questions in the chat window.
Once again, I'd like to thank Instabug for sponsoring the event. They make it super easy to find and fix problems in your projects. By adding their SDK you get reproduction steps, you get network logs and more to help you really solve those problems.
Carola, how are you doing?
Carola Nitz: I'm doing all right given the circumstances. A little bit tired. It's 8:00 AM in the morning.
Paul Hudson: These are the amazing sacrifices that you make for us you see. It's 4:00 PM here, it's quite comfortable for me but for you 8:00 AM in the morning, that's hard.
Carola Nitz: I'm not used to that as a developer.
Paul Hudson: Well listen, Carola: for folks that don't recognize your experience you are now at Netflix – is that right?
Carola Nitz: Yes, that's correct. I started there in September.
Paul Hudson: But previously you were working at VLC, and before that you were Apple. You've been doing iOS there for quite a while now, right?
Carola Nitz: Yeah, since 2012 actually to be exact. First there were a couple of startups and then I was working at a consulting company where I learned a lot in Berlin. And then Apple for a year and a half, I worked on the maps team which was very eye opening. It's such a big company and it's every iOS developer’s dream but it also meant I had to leave this community and I couldn't work on an open source anymore which at some point I realized is very important to me. So I went over to VLC, I worked full-time on open source and I got lead VLC for iOS for two years. And after that I missed also being at a bigger company again and having more impact so Netflix was great and I love it. It's an amazing company. I'm happy there.
Paul Hudson: I think we all love Netflix, don't we?
Carola Nitz: Honestly it's great because I can just watch content and I'm doing work.
Paul Hudson: Well, it's one of the things that during lockdown becomes a real life support for people because for us the kids want to put Netflix on and when you put it on it just saves the day so many times. So you're doing rewarding work Carola – well done!
This transcript was recorded as part of Swiftly Speaking. You can watch the full original episode on YouTube, or subscribe to the audio version on Apple Podcasts.
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