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Swift on Sundays: Volume One

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Master the art of app building

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This book brings together the first 20 projects of Swift on Sundays, where we built full apps from scratch while also teaching important coding techniques.

100% SWIFT 5.1

All projects are fully updated for the latest version of Swift, so you can be guaranteed you're learning the latest Apple has to offer.


All projects are coded from scratch, so you can see exactly how they are built up and why certain technical decisions were taken.


There are projects for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and Vapor, helping you make the most of your Swift skills wherever you are.


These projects span a huge range of topics, including SwiftUI, Core ML, ARKit and beyond – there's something for everyone.

What's in the book

Swift on Sundays: Volume One contains the first 20 projects from the Swift on Sundays series:

  1. Memorize: Help folks learn speeches by revealing it word by word as they tap.
  2. FriendZone: Learn the coordinator pattern while building an app that tracks timezones for your friends.
  3. Friendface: See how URLSession, Codable and UIKit combine to make simple social networking.
  4. InnerPeace: Show inspirational quotes in a beautiful setting, then add local notifications too.
  5. iMultiply: Build a terminal app for learning multiplication tables, backed up by extensive unit tests.
  6. Wordsearch: Generate word searches dynamically, then render them straight to PDF.
  7. OMGMarbles: Use SpriteKit and the accelorometer to build a marble matching game for iPad.
  8. DeclarativeUI: Learn how to build native user interfaces dynamically using JSON.
  9. CupcakeCorner: Build a Vapor API to sell cupcakes, then build the iOS app that matches it.
  10. BetterRest: Use Create ML to build an app that estimates the best time to go to sleep.
  11. Zaptastic: Build a fast-paced space shoot-em-up with particle systems and Codable.
  12. MultiMark: Take advantage of multi-screen support in iPadOS to build an instant Markdown renderer.
  13. TextTransformer: Code your own macOS menu bar app that transforms text in invaluable ways.
  14. SpotTheScientist: Use ARKit to detect pictures using your iPhone's camera, then overlay information.
  15. WatchReactions: Build a WatchKit soundboard app that mixes favorites, tables, and paging.
  16. JustType: Design your own code editor using CloudKit and UIDocument.
  17. Untangler: Build a mesmerizing puzzle game using UIKit and UIGraphicsImageRenderer.
  18. TerminalWizard: Help users master the command line with an iOS app.
  19. DadJokes: Build a SwiftUI app for iOS and macOS, with Core Data, gestures, GeometryReader and more.
  20. Switcharoo Write a letter game using drag and drop, all powered by SwiftUI.

Yes, you really get 20 complete projects, each of which is accompanied by a complete tutorial showing you how to build it. As well as building projects you also learn about refactoring, testing, and more, all explained in context as the projects are being built.

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