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Where now?

You’ve made it to the end of Swift in Sixty Seconds – I hope you’re proud of all the work you’ve put in! Don’t worry if you found some things hard: topics such as closures and optionals are hard, so if they took some time to learn that’s just a sign your brain is working properly.

Now, the question is: where can you go next? Well, I publish a range of books that I hope will help you answer that question:

  • If you’d like to start using Swift to make iOS apps, you should read Hacking with Swift. It’s available free online but you can buy the premium edition with bonus content if you prefer.
  • If you’d like to improve your knowledge of the Swift language, tackling more advanced features such as generics, custom operators, and functional programming, you should read Pro Swift.
  • If you’d like to learn to make games using Swift, you’re ready for my book Dive Into SpriteKit – you get to choose how each game project should develop.
  • If you’d like to try other Apple platforms, I have books teaching macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.

Congratulations on finishing Swift in Sixty Seconds – I hope you learned a lot, and that you’re able to have a lot of fun with your new coding skills!

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