When you move beyond simple shapes and paths, two useful features of SwiftUI come together to create some beautiful effects with remarkably little work. The first is CGAffineTransform
, which describes how a path or view should be rotated, scaled, or sheared; and the second is even-odd fills, which allow us to control how overlapping shapes should be rendered.
To demonstrate both of these, we’re going to create a flower shape out of several rotated ellipse petals, with each ellipse positioned around a circle. The mathematics behind this is relatively straightforward, with one catch: CGAffineTransform
measures angles in radians rather than degrees. If it’s been a while since you were at school, the least you need to know is this: 3.141 radians is equal to 180 degrees, so 3.141 radians multiplied by 2 is equal to 360 degrees. And the 3.141 isn’t a coincidence: the actual value is the mathematical constant pi.
So, what we’re going to do is as follows:
This will make more sense once you see the code running, but first I want to add three more small things:
are great if you want to count through numbers one at a time, but if you want to count in 2s, or in our case count in “pi/8”s, you should use stride(from:to:by:)
instead.Alright, enough talk – add this shape to your project now:
struct Flower: Shape {
// How much to move this petal away from the center
var petalOffset: Double = -20
// How wide to make each petal
var petalWidth: Double = 100
func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
// The path that will hold all petals
var path = Path()
// Count from 0 up to pi * 2, moving up pi / 8 each time
for number in stride(from: 0, to: Double.pi * 2, by: Double.pi / 8) {
// rotate the petal by the current value of our loop
let rotation = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: number)
// move the petal to be at the center of our view
let position = rotation.concatenating(CGAffineTransform(translationX: rect.width / 2, y: rect.height / 2))
// create a path for this petal using our properties plus a fixed Y and height
let originalPetal = Path(ellipseIn: CGRect(x: petalOffset, y: 0, width: petalWidth, height: rect.width / 2))
// apply our rotation/position transformation to the petal
let rotatedPetal = originalPetal.applying(position)
// add it to our main path
// now send the main path back
return path
I realize that’s quite a lot of code, but hopefully it will become clearer when you try it out. Modify your ContentView
to this:
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var petalOffset = -20.0
@State private var petalWidth = 100.0
var body: some View {
VStack {
Flower(petalOffset: petalOffset, petalWidth: petalWidth)
.stroke(.red, lineWidth: 1)
Slider(value: $petalOffset, in: -40...40)
.padding([.horizontal, .bottom])
Slider(value: $petalWidth, in: 0...100)
Now try that out. You should be able to see exactly how the code works once you start dragging the offset and width sliders around – it’s just a series of rotated ellipses, placed in a circular formation.
That in itself is interesting, but with one small change we can go from interesting to sublime. If you look at the way our ellipses are being drawn, they overlap frequently – sometimes one ellipse is drawn over another, and sometimes over several others.
If we fill our path using a solid color, we get a fairly unimpressive result. Try it like this:
Flower(petalOffset: petalOffset, petalWidth: petalWidth)
But as an alternative, we can fill the shape using the even-odd rule, which decides whether part of a path should be colored depending on the overlaps it contains. It works like this:
Only the parts that actually overlap are affected by this rule, and it creates some remarkably beautiful results. Even better, Swift UI makes it trivial to use, because whenever we call fill()
on a shape we can pass a FillStyle
struct that asks for the even-odd rule to be enabled.
Try it out with this:
Flower(petalOffset: petalOffset, petalWidth: petalWidth)
.fill(.red, style: FillStyle(eoFill: true))
Now run the program and play – honestly, given how little work we’ve done the results are quite entrancing!
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