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Generic parameter 'SelectionValue' could not be inferred

Forums > SwiftUI

Hi! What is wrong with this code and why does this work for a Picker but not a List?

struct ContentView: View {
    enum FooBar: CaseIterable, Identifiable {
        public var id : String { UUID().uuidString }

        case foo
        case bar
        case buzz
        case bizz

    @State var selectedFooBar: FooBar = .bar

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Picker("Select", selection: $selectedFooBar) {
                ForEach(FooBar.allCases) { item in
                    Text(self.string(from: item)).tag(item)

            List(FooBar.allCases, selection: $selectedFooBar) { item in // Generic parameter 'SelectionValue' could not be inferred
                Text(self.string(from: item)).tag(item)

            Text("You selected: \(self.string(from: selectedFooBar))")

    private func string(from item: FooBar) -> String {
        var str = ""

        switch item {
        case .foo:
            str = "Foo"

        case .bar:
            str = "Bar"

        case .buzz:
            str = "Buzz"

        case .bizz:
            str = "Bizz"
        return str


Your syntax for List is incorrect. Try this:

List(FooBar.allCases, id:\.self) { item in
     Text(self.string(from: item)).tag(item)

or this is how I would write it:

   ForEach(FooBar.allCases) { item in
        Text(self.string(from: item)).tag(item)


While this compiles, it does not allow to bind selectedFooBar.


Sorry, I must have misunderstood. What are you trying to do with the list? You can't select an item in a List.

You could add a button in each cell in the list...

   ForEach(FooBar.allCases) { item in
           Text(self.string(from: item))
             .foregroundColor(item == self.selectedFooBar ? Color.green : Color(UIColor.label))

           Button(action: {
               self.selectedFooBar = item


I did go with the Buttons solution but wasn't sure if that was the proper solution. Thanks!


I posted the same question a couple days ago.

If you can not select a row in a list, then why have the "selection" available in the syntax? Is it for setting the item and not for determining the selection?

If so, then how would I impliment the ability to select a row and add a child to it? Adding a button to every item in a list seems kind of clunky.



I have similar code in a mac app which allows list item to be selected. Mine uses a ForEach though :

 List(selection: $selectedFontType, content: {
                    ForEach(fontTypes, id:\.self) {


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