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SwiftUI PencilKit Navigation and UIViewControllerRepresentables
Dec '20
Re: Conditional Navigation Link with stepper output
Oct '20
ScrollView with large data set from Core Data
Re: Make NavigationView background to transparent in swiftUI (not navigationbar)
NSPredicate filtering using set operations
Re: iOS14 Modals not rendering properly, accent color issue?
Re: How can I Manually Create a JSON File?
Sep '20
iOS14 Modals not rendering properly, accent color issue?
Re: Got lost in app development, looking for advice
Aug '20
Re: Set Background of ScrollView in NavigationView
Re: Best practices blending SwiftUI and Core Data?
Re: Button's action being run when clicking anywhere in HStack surrounding it
Jul '20
Re: ScrollView and NavigationView
Re: Prevent user from tapping button while entering data
Re: Generic parameter 'SelectionValue' could not be inferred
SOLVED: Prevent user from tapping button while entering data
Re: Hierarchical list navigation with Core Data - How?
Re: TextField: Delay until user is done typing
Jun '20
SOLVED: TextField: Delay until user is done typing
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