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Project 17, wrap up, first task

Forums > 100 Days of Swift

Hello, everybody. I can't understand how can I prevent people lifting their fingers and tapping elsewhere to change their position. I need to implenet touchEnded() method, but what I need to write there? Give me some prompts, please


Same problem here. Did you find the answer?


So! I had the same issue and didn't find the answer so I've come up with mine

Easy one

I might think that Paul have in mind some kind of punishment for user, like

  1. Instant GameOver, but this will make game almost unplayable.
  2. Getting back user to the original coordinates (set in didMove method), but this will change nothing and will break gameplay a little. It's like we answering to users cheating with cheat from our side.

My variant

My idea is to use finger location as desired location of player and move player object there on every with calculated velocity. If user will lift his fingers - then desired location is nil and object will loose it's velocity. We will need to create a custom class for that, and I learned what is convenience initializer while doing that :)

//  Player.swift
//  Project17
//  Created by Andrei Chenchik on 2/6/21.

import SpriteKit

class Player: SKSpriteNode {
    var direction: CGPoint?
    var possibleSpeed: CGFloat = 800.0

    init(imageNamed name: String) {
        let texture = SKTexture(imageNamed: name)
        let size = texture.size()
        super.init(texture: texture, color: .clear, size: size)

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")

Use new class like that

    var player: Player!

And additionally I've updated methods for touches and update. Have no idea how to calculate velocity right so used my school baggage.

     override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {
        for node in children {
            if node.position.x < -300 {

        if !isGameOver {
            score += 1

        if let direction = player.direction {
            let position = player.position
            let distance = sqrt(pow((direction.x - position.x), 2) + pow((direction.y - position.y), 2))
            let multiplier = distance / player.possibleSpeed

            if multiplier > 1/60 {
                let dx = (direction.x - position.x) / multiplier
                let dy = (direction.y - position.y) / multiplier

                player.physicsBody?.velocity = CGVector(dx: dx, dy: dy)
            } else {
                player.physicsBody?.velocity = .zero
                player.position = direction
        } else {
            player.physicsBody?.velocity = .zero

    override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
        player.direction = nil

    override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
        guard let touch = touches.first else { return }

        var location = touch.location(in: self)

        if location.y < 100 {
            location.y = 100
        } else if location.y > 668 {
            location.y = 668

        //player.position = location
        player.direction = location



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