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Using filemanager with xcode 13.2

Forums > SwiftUI

Hi there,

I am trying to create an app that uses filemanager to get images from the documentDirectory, and following the tutorials from Hacking with Swift: Listing images with FileManager – Storm Viewer, part 2, part 3 and 4

But part 3 uses the storyboard, while xcode 13.2 doesn't use it for swift files (when I created a project, it is not creating a main.storyboard).

Can that tutorial be updated with the latest version for 13.2?


On the HWS website there's a search bar at the top of each page!

Did you try it? Give it a go! Search for documentDirectory.

You might find this article and video updated in December 2021!

See new article> Writing Data to the Documents Directory


Great! I've been waiting to learn this. Thanks for the link.


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