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SOLVED: Using ContactPicker in SwiftUI

Forums > SwiftUI

I am trying to use the ContactPicker from SwiftUIKit Package ( It has been great in the past, but now that I am trying to restructure my app to correctly use NavigationStack and @Bindable I am getting the following errors when I try to assing ther chosen Contact inthe picker. First the code,

                ContactPicker(showPicker: $showPicker, onSelectContact: {contact in
                    $recipient.firstName = contact.givenName
                    $recipient.lastName = contact.familyName
                    if contact.postalAddresses.count > 0 {
                        if let addressString = (
                            ((contact.postalAddresses[0] as AnyObject).value(forKey: "labelValuePair")
                             as AnyObject).value(forKey: "value"))
                            as? CNPostalAddress {
                            let mailAddress =
                                CNPostalAddressFormatter.string(from: addressString, style: .mailingAddress)
                            $recipient.addressLine1 = "\(addressString.street)"
                            $recipient.addressLine2 = ""
                            $ = "\("
                            $recipient.state = "\(addressString.state)"
                            $ = "\(addressString.postalCode)"
                            $ = "\("
                            print("Mail address is \n\(mailAddress)")
                    } else {
                        $recipient.addressLine1 = "No Address Provided"
                        $recipient.addressLine2 = ""
                        $ = ""
                        $recipient.state = ""
                        $ = ""
                        $ = ""
                        print("No Address Provided")
                }, onCancel: nil)

All instances of $recipient.<property> have the following two errors:

Cannot assign through dynamic lookup property: '$recipient' is immutable

Cannot assign value of type 'String' to type 'Binding<String>'

Recipient is defined as @Bindable var recipient: Recipient

I am not sure how to approach this. If only Apple had a SwiftUI version of the ContactPicker I probably wouldn't have this issue.


Ok solved this.. I need to remove the $recipient and replace it with recipient in my closure.


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