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SOLVED: Unwrapping Double? in Binding

Forums > SwiftUI

Hi all,

In the following code, I want to force-unwrap a Double?, radii.1 (the one in the Slider):

if shape.radii.1 != nil {
Slider(value: $shape.radii.1, in: 100...150)

However, just adding an exclamation mark after radii.1 in the Slider doesn't work, because then Swift throws an error, which as far as I understand means that it thinks that I want to unwrap the whole Binding instead of the optional radii.1. Does anyone know how to fix this?


@Cas is sliding into trouble:

I want to force-unwrap a Double?, the one in the Slider

Take a look at SwiftUI documentation for a Slider initializer. (This is a skill you need to learn!)

See -> Official Slider Documentation

    value: Binding<V>,
    in bounds: ClosedRange<V> = 0...1,
    onEditingChanged: @escaping (Bool) -> Void = { _ in }
) where V : BinaryFloatingPoint, V.Stride : BinaryFloatingPoint  // <--- READ THE FINE PRINT

The initializer will build a Slider that slides over a range of type (V) and save the selected value to a binding also of type (V). The fine print however says that type must conform to the BinaryFloatingPoint protocol.

Even if you check to see that your Optional-Double does not contain nil, you should understand the compiler still sees the variable as an Optional-Double.

Values of type Optional-Double do not conform to the BinaryFloatingPoint protocol.



What is .1?

Does it need to be optional can you give it a deflaut value (say 125)!


@Nigel prompts a review of Tuples!

What is .1?

See -> Tuple


Thank you for your reactions. I fixed it by making the optional a non-optional and giving it a default value, like NigelGee suggested.


@Obelix yes but you can put labels on Tuples so that they are more readable then .1 eg

(xAxis: Double, yAxis: Double)

then it would read



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