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Unable to retrieve data from Firebase

Forums > SwiftUI


I'm having an issue with retrieving data from Firebase. I followed the instructions from another website ( My code seems to be largely similar but when I check the console, it prints No documents, which I can't seem to be able to fix.

My database contains several fields, but to make things simpler, I decided to only retrieve 3 fields (I hope that doesn't affect).

Here is my RecipeViewModel which retrieves the data from my database:

import Foundation
import FirebaseFirestore

class RecipeViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var recipes = [Recipe]()
    private var db = Firestore.firestore()

    func fetchData() {
        db.collection("Recipes").addSnapshotListener { (querySnapshot, error) in
            guard let documents = querySnapshot?.documents else {
              print("No documents") // the printing is done here
   = { queryDocumentSnapshot -> Recipe in
                let data =
                let title = data["Title"] as? String ?? ""
                let author = data["Author"] as? String ?? ""
                let cookingTime = data["Cooking Time"] as? Int ?? 0
//                let prepTime = data["Prep Time"] as? Int ?? 0
//                let diff = data["Difficulty"] as? String ?? ""
//                let course = data["Course"] as? String ?? ""
//                let cuisine = data["Cuisine"] as? String ?? ""
//                let servingSize = data["Serving Size"] as? Int ?? 1

                return Recipe(id: .init(), title: title, author: author, cookingTime: cookingTime)
//                return Recipe(id: .init(), title: title, author: author, cookingTime: cookingTime, prepTime: prepTime, course: course, cuisine: cuisine, difficulty: diff, servingSize: servingSize)

Here is my Recipe struct and my RecipeView struct.

struct Recipe: Identifiable {
    var id = UUID()
    var title: String
    var author: String
    var cookingTime: Int
//    var prepTime: Int
//    var course: String
//    var cuisine: String
//    var difficulty: String
//    var servingSize: Int

struct RecipeView: View {
    @ObservedObject var viewModel = RecipeViewModel()

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List( { recipe in singleRecipe(recipe: recipe)}
                .onAppear() {

singleRecipe(recipe: recipe) is a basic View which prints the information out. Using a local array, the code works fine so I believe it has something to do with Firebase.

Is there a way to check that I have actually properly connected my app to Firebase (even though I was sure to follow the instructions on Firebase closely)?

For reference, a screenshot of my database on Firebase can be seen here:



Hi @Hazel1603 ,

This usually happens when the collection you're listening to doesn't exist. The reason might be as simple as a misspelled collection name. Unfortunately, the link to the screenshopt you posted doesn't work for me - can you share it again?

Also, I noticed you're using the rather verbose code for mapping documents from the first part of the article. There is a follow-up article that shows how to make mapping documents a lot easier by using Codable:

Also, if you're using SwiftUI 2, I'd recommend using @StateObject instead of @ObservedObject following Apple's guidelines at State and Data Flow.

Cheers, Peter


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