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Type of expression is ambiguous without more context on a scrollview

Forums > SwiftUI

I'm getting a "Type of expression is ambiguous without more context" on the line ScrollView is being initialized. I've tried following but the solution/reason the error is coming up is not clear.

        ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) {
            HStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 10) {

                ForEach(0..<(devicesAndManagers?.count ?? 1), id: \.self ) { device in

                    SpeakerCardView(didPressSoundButton: {
    //                    homePath.append(HomeViewOptions.soundPreset)
                        withAnimation {
                            sheetManager.present(with: .init(systemName: "info",
                                                             title: "something",
                                                             content: "content",
                                                             type: .soundProfileList))
                                    didPressSpeaker: {


                    deviceAndManager: devicesAndManagers[device-1])
                    .frame(minWidth: 325 )

                AddSpeakerCardView(didPressSoundButton: {
                    print("Go to new speaker detection")
                .frame(minWidth: 325 )

when i remove the line ", deviceAndManager" from the initializer for the speaker card view then the error goes away. That is good and all, but i need to use the deviceAndManager object for that view (the SpeakerCardView).


Hi! What type of data you have in devicesAndManagers? If this is array of some type you can just try to put it not as range but like so:

ForEach(devicesAndManagers, id: \.self ) { device in


it's an array of typealiases of two custom objects

typealias DeviceAndManager = (device: BTDevice, manager: DeviceManager)


    @State var devicesAndManagers: [DeviceAndManager] = [DeviceAndManager]()

and when i try using your suggestion i get "Type 'DeviceAndManager' (aka '(device: BTDevice, manager: any DeviceManager)') cannot conform to 'Hashable'"


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