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SOLVED: Trying to Bind an ObservableObject but getting Cannot assign to property: 'XXXX' is a get-only property Error

Forums > SwiftUI

I am quite new in Swift and SwiftUI and I am getting a error that I cannot understand.

Here is my class that I load with JSON from a web service

class ResaListViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var resasDeparts = [ResaViewModel]()

    init() {
        WSResa().getDeparts { resas in
            if let resas = resas as? [Resa] {
                self.resasDeparts =

class ResaViewModel: Identifiable, ObservableObject {
    @Published var resa: Resa

    init(resa: Resa) {
        self.resa = resa

    var id: Int {
        return Int(!

 var nbveh: Int
        return Int(self.resa.nbveh) ?? 0

In a view I would like to Bind the nbveh property and to increment and decrement it with buttons.

the error is : "Cannot assign to property: 'nbveh' is a get-only property"

struct ResaDetail: View {
    @ObservedObject var resa:ResaViewModel

    var body: some View {
      vehiculeView(nbveh: $resa.nbveh)

This view is in a navigationLink with detailed view called like that.

struct ResaView: View { 
let resaListVM = ResaListViewModel() 

var body: some View { 
    List(self.resaListVM.resasDeparts, id: \.id) {resa in 
      NavigationLink(destination: ResaDetail(resa: resa)) {
        ResaList(resa: resa) 

How can I make this property editable and bindable ?

Thanks for any kind of help

-- Godefroy


I think I see the problem.

var nbveh: Int {
        return Int(self.resa.nbveh) ?? 0

is like saying

var nbveh: Int{
        get {Int(self.resa.nbveh) ?? 0}

So you also need a set (I think this is right)

var nbveh: Int{
        get {return Int(self.resa.nbveh) ?? 0}
        set {self.resa.nbveh = newValue}



Can you provide Resa Struct, and also WSResa Class ?


Thanks for your answers.

Here is Resa

class Resa:  Codable, Identifiable {
    var id: String
    var datep: String
    var datep2: String
    var nbveh: String

And WSResa

class WSResa {
    let url = Configuration().url

    func getDeparts(completion: @escaping([Resa]) -> ())
        let session = URLSession.shared
        let request :String = "get_depart"
        let distantURL = URL(string: url + "resa_request.php?request=" + request)!

        let task = session.dataTask(with: distantURL) { data, response, error in

            if error != nil || data == nil {
                print("Client error!")
            guard let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse, (200...299).contains(response.statusCode) else {
                print("Server error!")
            guard let mime = response.mimeType, mime == "text/html" else {
                print("Wrong MIME type!")
            do {
                let resas = try! JSONDecoder().decode([Resa].self, from: data!)
                print("J'ai récupéré les départs")
            } catch {
                print("JSON error: \(error.localizedDescription)")


At the moment I am working on loading data and update it throught the UI. Afterward I plan to update and save Resa objects through webservices


Thanks for the feedbacks :-)

Much appreciated.

I have used the quick option. with get and set to bind two ways. Compilation succeded but there is still a problem, the view does not update. It is an observable object But I think I have to implement the didSet

I have tried to ad the property @Published but I am getting the error : Property wrapper cannot be applied to a computed property

The thing is didSet seems not compatible with the get and set declaration. When I try this

var didChange = PassthroughSubject<Void, Never>()

var nbveh: Int
        get { return Int(resa.nbveh) ?? 0 }
        set { resa.nbveh = String(newValue)}
        didSet {

The error is "'didSet' cannot be provided together with a getter"


Here the answer. Why a didSet when your are doing a setter where you can include the did/willChange message in the setter directly

 var nbveh: Int
        get { return Int(resa.nbveh) ?? 0 }
        set { resa.nbveh = String(newValue)


I'm glad you solved your issue this way.


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