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Trigger action from picker

Forums > SwiftUI


I am having a lot of trouble figuring out how to trigger an action once a picker item is selected. The selector moves around ok but I cannot take action upon a selection being made. I want to refresh my map with new annotations. Anyone have some guidance on this? Thank you

Picker(selection: $myPick, label: Text("")) { ForEach(0..<mySpan.count) {index in Text(self.mySpan[index]).tag(index) }}


The only way i know of is to use the .onReceive modifier on your Picker. As an example see the following code -

Picker("Select", selection: $name) {
            ForEach(names, id:\.self) { name in
.onReceive([].publisher.first()) { value in
            self.doSomethingWith(value: value)

 // Just an example function below
 func doSomethingWith(value: String) {

The .onReceive modifier (from the Apple Documentation) adds an action to perform on a particular view when this view detects data emitted by the given publisher. The publisher we are using above is the publisher associated with the @State property that i have used for the example. This @State property, as you can see, is the property that I have used for the selection value in the Picker.

From there we have a trailing closure for what we want to perform once we get that .first value from the publisher. You can choose to do whatever from there basically. In the above example i have just made a basic function and passed that .first value and printed it out. Now everytime the user moves that picker that function will be called.

As I said just a basic setup but im sure you can tweak it to get what you need.

Hope this helps



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