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SwiftUI to PDF Layout issues

Forums > SwiftUI

When translating from SwiftUI space to PDF Space, I am struggling to get my output to work. I have a simple PrintView element that is .framed as .frame(width:143, height: 134) When I run the following code, I end up with all the PrintView's overlaying each other at the top left of the PDF page. I've tried manipulating my x/y cooridnates with both move(to: and .translateBy but neither seem to do anything different.

@MainActor func render(viewsPerPage: Int) -> URL {
        let eventsArray: [Event] = { $0 }
        let url = URL.documentsDirectory.appending(path: "\(recipient.wrappedFirstName)-\(recipient.wrappedLastName)-cards.pdf")
        var pageSize = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 612, height: 792)

        guard let pdfOutput = CGContext(url as CFURL, mediaBox: &pageSize, nil) else {
            return url

        let numberOfPages = Int((events.count + viewsPerPage - 1) / viewsPerPage)   // Round to number of pages
        let xColumn = [0.0, 153.0, 306.0, 459.0]
        let yRow = [548.0, 413.0, 269.0, 115.0, 0.0]
        let viewsPerRow = 4
        let rowsPerPage = 5
        let spacing = 10.0

        // Note the page should be laid out as follows
        // Header Start on Row 792 to Row 692 (100 Pixels)
        // Body is a Grid of 143w X 134h PrintViews
        // Footer Starts on Row 0 to Row 20 (20 Pixels)

        for pageIndex in 0..<numberOfPages {

//            let rendererTop = ImageRenderer(content: AddressView(recipient: recipient))
            let rendererTop = ImageRenderer(content: pageSize.width, height: 90))
            rendererTop.render { size, renderTop in
                // Go to Bottom Left of Page
                pdfOutput.move(to: CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 0.0))
                // Translate to top Left with size of AddressView and Padding
                pdfOutput.translateBy(x: 0.0, y: pageSize.height - size.height - spacing)
                print("\n\nStarting page = \(pageIndex)")

            let startIndex = pageIndex * viewsPerPage
            let endIndex = min(startIndex + viewsPerPage, eventsArray.count)

            for row in 0..<rowsPerPage {
                let yTranslation = yRow[row]

                for col in 0..<viewsPerRow {
                    let index = startIndex + row * viewsPerRow + col
                    if index < endIndex, let event = eventsArray[safe: index] {
                        let xTranslation = xColumn[col] // CGFloat(col) * (viewWidth + spacing)
//                        let renderBody = ImageRenderer(content: PrintView(event: event))
                        let renderBody = ImageRenderer(content: Text("Event[\(index)] x=\(xColumn[col])/y=\(yRow[row] - 148)").frame(width: 134, height: 148).background(

                        renderBody.render { size, renderBody in
                            pdfOutput.move(to: CGPoint(x: xColumn[col], y: yRow[row] - size.height))
                            print("Event \(index) Position x= \(xColumn[col]) / y = \(yRow[row] - 148)")

            let renderBottom = ImageRenderer(content: Text("Page \((pageIndex + 1).formatted()) of \(numberOfPages.formatted())").frame(width: pageSize.width, height: 20).background(Color.yellow))
            pdfOutput.move(to: CGPoint(x: pageSize.width / 2 , y: 0))

            renderBottom.render { size, renderBottom in
                print("\nEnding page = \(pageIndex)")


        return url

To make this more expressive, I am now rendering big boxes for each item... When I have only 1 event, The Event overlaps the renderHeader on the top left, but shows x= 0.0 and y=400.

It appears that the pdfOutput.move(to: CGPoint(x: xColumn[col], y: yRow[row] - size.height)) does actually move the position in the rendering space at all.


The basic behavior is like the first rendering working fine, but after that it ignores all the .move(to: CGPoint) and additional renderings. Should I not be rendering the whole image until the end?


OK, I resolved this by "correctly" using translateBy.. evidently you have to keep track of every position and shift to the next position. .move does not work. Having said that, I still can't figureout the correct positioning for my bottom of page footer. Oh well, may have to just map out a pixel grid for the whole page.

Here's the code as it stands

    @MainActor func render(viewsPerPage: Int) -> URL {
        let eventsArray: [Event] = { $0 }
        let url = URL.documentsDirectory.appending(path: "\(recipient.wrappedFirstName)-\(recipient.wrappedLastName)-cards.pdf")
        var pageSize = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 612, height: 792)

        guard let pdfOutput = CGContext(url as CFURL, mediaBox: &pageSize, nil) else {
            return url

        let numberOfPages = Int((events.count + viewsPerPage - 1) / viewsPerPage)   // Round to number of pages
        let viewsPerRow = 4
        let rowsPerPage = 4
        let spacing = 10.0

        // Note the page should be laid out as follows
        // Header Start on Row 792 to Row 692 (100 Pixels)
        // Body is a Grid of 143w X 134h PrintViews
        // Footer Starts on Row 0 to Row 20 (20 Pixels)

        for pageIndex in 0..<numberOfPages {
            var currentX : Double = 0
            var currentY : Double = 0

            let rendererTop = ImageRenderer(content: AddressView(recipient: recipient))
            rendererTop.render { size, renderTop in
                // Go to Bottom Left of Page
                pdfOutput.move(to: CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 0.0))
                // Translate to top Left with size of AddressView and Padding
                pdfOutput.translateBy(x: 0.0, y: pageSize.height - size.height - spacing)
                currentY += pageSize.height - size.height - spacing
                print("\n\nStarting page = \(pageIndex)")
            print("Header - currentX = \(currentX), currentY = \(currentY)")

            let startIndex = pageIndex * viewsPerPage
            let endIndex = min(startIndex + viewsPerPage, eventsArray.count)
            pdfOutput.translateBy(x: spacing / 2, y: -160)

            for row in 0..<rowsPerPage {
                for col in 0..<viewsPerRow {
                    let index = startIndex + row * viewsPerRow + col
                    if index < endIndex, let event = eventsArray[safe: index] {
                        let renderBody = ImageRenderer(content: PrintView(event: event))
                        renderBody.render { size, renderBody in
                            pdfOutput.translateBy(x: 144, y: 0) // (to: CGPoint(x: xColumn[col], y: yRow[row] - size.height))
                            currentX += size.width
                        print("Body - currentX = \(currentX), currentY = \(currentY)")
                pdfOutput.translateBy(x: -pageSize.width + 39.5, y: -153)
                currentY -= 153
                currentX = -pageSize.width + 39.5

            let renderBottom = ImageRenderer(
                    Text("Page \((pageIndex + 1).formatted()) of \(numberOfPages.formatted())").frame(width: pageSize.width - (spacing * 2) ,height: 20)
            currentY -= 20 + (spacing * 2)
            currentX = -pageSize.width + 39.5
            pdfOutput.translateBy(x: currentX, y: -currentY)
            print("Footer - currentX = \(currentX), currentY = \(currentY)")
            renderBottom.render { size, renderBottom in
                print("\nEnding page = \(pageIndex), size.width =\(size.width)  , size.height=\(size.height)")
        return url


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