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SwiftUI: How to bind separate amounts to each instance of a dynamic view?

Forums > SwiftUI

I have a dynamic SwiftUI view (SingleMember) that represents individual members. Each instance of this view needs to have its own separate amount value, which the user can enter through a TextField. I want to bind these individual amounts to the corresponding members in an array in my view model (ViewModel). How can I achieve this binding and update the array with the respective amounts when a button is clicked?

This is on ViewModel:

@Published var amounts: [String] = []

This is my single member

struct SingleMember: View {
    @ObservedObject var groupAirtimeVM: GroupAirtimeViewModel
    @State var memberItem: MemberInfo
    @State var amount: String = ""

    var body: some View {
                    Text("\(memberItem.firstName ?? "Unknown")")
                        .font(.custom("Ubuntu-Regular", size:15))
                    Text("\(memberItem.phoneNumber ?? "Unknown")")
                        .font(.custom("Ubuntu-Regular", size:12))
                    TextField("Amount", text: $amount)


                    Image(systemName: "square.and.pencil")
                }.font(.custom("Ubuntu-Regular", size: 12))


this is my dynamic view

 ScrollView {
       ForEach(memberInfo, id:\.self){ item in
        SingleMember(groupAirtimeVM: groupAirtimeVM, memberItem: item)
 .padding(.bottom, 15)

   Button("Add Amount To Array"){
   //action where should add to array



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