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swiftui - How do you specify a font modifier within a Picker

Forums > SwiftUI


Very much a swiftui noob; Can anyone direct me to how to properly apply a .font modifier on the text within a picker? e.g. in this sample code, why are the picker selections not rendered as the text above it?

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var selection: String = "A"

    var body: some View {
        VStack {

                   selection: $selection,
                   content: {


I am seeing that application of a PickerStyle only only partially helpful.

.pickerStyle(MenuPickerStyle())   // fomatting ignored...

.pickerStyle(WheelPickerStyle())  // formatting works...

Can MenuPickerStyle() be made to format the Text view?


You could try creating an extension for Picker and / or Text.

Here is an example for Text to give you some ideas - Text extension.



Thank you @Greenamberred, while this didn't work here, I can see how useful extension's could be.


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