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SOLVED: SwiftUI "Edit" button works correctly only from time to time

Forums > SwiftUI

Hey. I'm building a simple app that asks the user to input some data and then stores it as elements in the list that are Navigation Links to detail page of each element. I implemented an option to delete elements from the list using .onDelete method. Gesture works great, everything happens correctly. However, "Edit" button is buggy - sometimes it doesn't show "minus" button to delete elements, and sometimes it does. I noticed that when it doesn't work the solution to make it work again is to perform some change in the list; for example I can delete an element. I have no idea what is causing this behavior. Here is the code that probably has a problem somewhere:

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {

            List {
                ForEach(problems.problems, id: \.self) { problem in
                    NavigationLink(destination: ProblemView(problem: problem, doneProblems: checkYeetedProblems(language: problem.language))) {

                            .frame(width: 44, height: 44)

                        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                .onDelete(perform: removeProblems)
            .navigationBarItems(leading: EditButton(), trailing:
                                    Button(action: {
                                        self.addingProblem = true
                                    }) {
                                        Image(systemName: "plus")
            .sheet(isPresented: $addingProblem) {
                AddProblemView(problems: self.problems)

Note: .sheet is just adding a new element to the list, checkYeetedProblems() is a function that returns an integer from some data. removeProblems() looks as follows:

func removeProblems(at offset: IndexSet) {
        problems.problems.remove(atOffsets: offset)

I will be very grateful for any tips on how to resolve this issue.



I had the same problem and the solution was to replace the navigationBarItems with .toolbar. Something like this:

            .toolbar {
                ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) {

                                 Button(action: {
                                        self.addingProblem = true
                                    }) {
                                        Image(systemName: "plus")


                ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarLeading) {

Edit: Included both buttons :D


Thanks for the answer @Tiberiu27. I'm surprised that it was the case - I think I would never have thought about it. Everything works perfectly now!


The solution provided here is not only a feasible workaround, but also the official solution provided by Apple - .navigationBarItems() has been deprecated, .toolbar() is recommended instead as the current up-to-date method to add elements to different toolbars (including the NavigationBar)


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