In SwiftData I have a @Model class for a log. This has a name and some other attributes, but most importantly an array of LogEntry. Log Entries are also @Model class. So:
class Log {
var name: String = ""
@Relationship(inverse: \LogEntry.log) var logEntries: [LogEntry] = []
class LogEntry {
var name: String = ""
var log : Log? = nil
My question is: How do I make a complete copy of a log?
I'd like to be able to write:
var log = Log(name: "Log 1", [ LogEntry(name: "Log Entry 1"), LogEntry(name: "Log Entry 2") ] )
and then somewhere later:
var logCopy = Log(basedOnLog: log)
And this new object should also contain a copy of all log entries in its logEntries array.
To be honest, I feel a little stupid. Because deep copying a class I have basically learned back in the C/C++ days some decades ago. But I am really stuck here. Any help is highly appreciated! How does the initializer or a copy function look like so that it works in SwiftData?
Thanks a lot!
Kind regards