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SOLVED: SwiftData and deleting a Double Linked List

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Anyone know how SwiftData handles deletion of a Double Linked List? the problem I have is understanding the implied relationships and deletions when I delete a sidebar [modelContext.delete(sidebar)]. Sidebar should have a relationship to the head of the list, which then has a relationship to the next in the list, etc. Since I am not defining a "Cascade" then I don't know what happens.

I have:

public final class Sidebar: Hashable, Codable, ObservableObject  {

// bunch of stuff

    var paragraph_: Paragraph?


public class Paragraph: Hashable, Codable {

    public var id: String

    var sidebar: Sidebar?
    var previous_: Paragraph?
    var next_: Paragraph?
    var attrStringData_: Data?



Based on the testing i've done if you delete the sidebar it will not delete the head or the body of the linked list but if you use .Cascade it will delete the sidebar and the head but not the body, you can try it with the code below.

public final class Sidebar  {

    public var id: String?

    // bunch of stuff

    @Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade)
    var paragraph_: Paragraph?

    public var last: Paragraph? {
        guard var paragraph = paragraph_ else {
          return nil

        while let next = paragraph.next_ {
            paragraph = next
        return paragraph

    public func append(value: String) {
        let newParagraph = Paragraph(id: value)
        if let lastParagraph = last {
            newParagraph.previous_ = lastParagraph
            lastParagraph.next_ = newParagraph
        } else {
          paragraph_ = newParagraph

    init(paragraph_: Paragraph? = nil) {
        self.paragraph_ = paragraph_

public class Paragraph {

    public var id: String?

    var sidebar: Sidebar?
    var previous_: Paragraph?
    var next_: Paragraph?
    var attrStringData_: Data?

    init(id: String? = nil, sidebar: Sidebar? = nil, previous_: Paragraph? = nil, next_: Paragraph? = nil, attrStringData_: Data? = nil) {
        self.id = id
        self.sidebar = sidebar
        self.previous_ = previous_
        self.next_ = next_
        self.attrStringData_ = attrStringData_
struct ContentView: View {
    @Environment(\.modelContext) var modelContext

    @Query<Sidebar> var sidebars: [Sidebar]
    @Query(sort: \Paragraph.id) var paragraphs: [Paragraph]

    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack {
            List {
                Section("Sidebars") {
                    ForEach(sidebars) { sidebar in
                        Text(sidebar.id ?? "")
                    .onDelete(perform: { indexSet in

            List {
                Section("Paragraphs") {
                    ForEach(paragraphs) { paragraph in
                        Text(paragraph.id ?? "")
            .toolbar(content: {
                ToolbarItem(placement: .topBarTrailing) {
                    Button("Add Sample") {
                        try? modelContext.delete(model: Sidebar.self)
                        try? modelContext.delete(model: Paragraph.self)

                        let sidebar = Sidebar()
                        sidebar.id = "Sidebar"

                        let head = Paragraph(id: "Head Paragraph")
                        head.sidebar = sidebar
                        sidebar.paragraph_ = head

                        for i in 0..<5 {
                            sidebar.append(value: "Paragraph Body \(i)")


    func delete(_ indexSet: IndexSet) {
        for index in indexSet {
            let sidebar = sidebars[index]


Thank you.

By making the links, Next/Prev, computed properties, I would expect the behavior you demostrate. However, in my code, I did not, instead these are links. So, they are in fact one-to-one links which the documentation says will be delieted if cascade is used. Implying it would follow the list.

I will do more testing. But, thank you, your code definitely works as expected.


I'm not following, how are next and previous computed properties?, could you share some of your code? i'm very interested to see how you did it.


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