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Swift On Sundays - Dad Jokes - MacOS NavigationLink issue

Forums > SwiftUI

Hello, I'm getting a vague error message on the Navigation link that I'm unable to resolve on MacOS only.

The error is on the line with NavigationLink(destination: ...

Error - Unnamed argument #2 must precede argument 'destination'

Text(joke.punchline).frame(maxWidth: .infinity,
maxHeight: .infinity)) {

Can anyone assist? The implimentation of NavigationLink looks correct as far as I can tell from documentation and other code I've found.



Did you try keeping them on one line?

NavigationLink(destination: Text(joke.punchline).frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)) { ...

I'm not suggesting that's the issue, just eliminating possibilities. Also, it might have to do with what comes after the brace.


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