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SOLVED: Stop and Start Buttons

Forums > SwiftUI

How do I get a button to be receptive to a tap while a function is running?

I am coding in Swift playgrounds on a blank page on my ipad.

To explain further: I am coding a simple drum machine. I have a stop and a start button. When I tap the start button a function called loop1 is called. A drum loop continues indefinitely in a "while" loop untill a boolean variable called "playing" is changed to false. So a tap of the stop button simply changes my "playing" variable to false and should stop the function , and hence the drum loop.

Unfortunately once I start my loop going the stop button doesn't react to a tap. I guess Swift is tied up in running the function.

Below I have extracted a simplified version of my code with just the buttons. I have ommitted Hstacks etc. I just copied the code and pasted it below. I don't know how to put the code in the nice format used on this site. Also I don't know how to include the (legal) drum file i used. This code works if it is pasted into a blank playground page.

Anyway I will paste the code below.

import SwiftUI import PlaygroundSupport import AVFoundation PlaygroundPage.current.wantsFullScreenLiveView = true // variable declarations

var playing:Bool = true var t2: Double = 1 var t1: Double = 1 var BPM:Double = 100 let screenWidth = UIScreen.main.bounds.width let screenHeight = UIScreen.main.bounds.height // end of variable declarations

struct DrumMachine: View{

@State var SnarePlayer: AVAudioPlayer?
var body: some View{
    Button(action: {// start button

    }) {
        Image(systemName: "")
    .frame(width: 0.2*screenHeight, height: 0.2*screenHeight)
    //finish of play button
    Button(action: {// stop button
        playing = false
    }) {
        Image(systemName: "")
            .frame(width: 0.2*screenHeight, height: 0.2*screenHeight)
    .onAppear(){Snare(vol: 0)}
}//end of some view

func Snare(vol: Float){
    if let  SnareURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Snare Drum", withExtension: "mp3") {
        do {
            try self.SnarePlayer = AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: SnareURL) /// make the audio player
            SnarePlayer?.volume = vol

            self.SnarePlayer?.play() /// start playing

        } catch {
            print("Couldn't play audio. Error: \(error)")
}//end of snare function

func loop1() {
    playing =  true
    while playing ==  true{
        for a in 1...4{
            t1 = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
            Snare(vol: 2)
            t2 = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
            while t2 - t1 < (1) {
                t2 = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()

}//end of struct

PlaygroundPage.current.setLiveView(DrumMachine()) PlaygroundPage.current.wantsFullScreenLiveView = true

It would be good if some kind soul could help me sort this one.


I'm not sure but looks like the playing variable is not @State


Thanks I tried changing playing to an @variable. My code still worked but it made no difference. I still couldn't press my stop button the so I couldn't pass my boolean variable, playing and stop the loop.

I wonder if Swift doesn't check the ui while the while loop is running.


That loop code is running on the main loop and so just continues in a loop. Also the Snare is loading an AVPlayer into memory everytime. All of that is expensive, so the main thread is blocked and you cant hit the stop button.

I dont really think that code is very efficient anyway, but I am no expert in AVAudioPlayer. But make AVAudioPlayer a global for sure. And move the loop to another thread.


Thanks for the reply The only way I could find to play an mp3 is to recreate the avaudioplayer each time. This is quite a process and a few of them are needed to make a drum sound. as for threading that might be beyond me. I will investigate.


Thanks for the reply The only way I could find to play an mp3 is to recreate the avaudioplayer each time. This is quite a process and a few of them are needed to make a drum sound. as for threading that might be beyond me. I will investigate.


Thanks for your help eoinnorris, and NigelGee.

To make the function play in a background thread you call your function (Kick_Snare in this case.) inside a as shown below. This thread runs in parallel with the main thread and the buttons are now pressable. .userInitiated).async { Kick_Snare()}

or name a dispatch queue like this:

let LoopThread = DispatchQueue(label: "BackGroundThread", qos: .background)

then call the function like this:


Also you don't have to create the avaudio players every time. They are played like this. (from another question I posted)

self.SnarePlayer?.currentTime = 0 


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