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SOLVED: Sharing Core Data FetchRequest results in MVVM model

Forums > SwiftUI

(I’m going to clip my code as much as possible to not to frustrate people with 500 lines files)

I guess, I finally overcame struggle with Core Data and can normally catch and operate nessesary data in my Views, but I’ve got a situation when I follow MVVM logic, duming all my logic to a separate file.

I’ve got my ContentView where all the visuals happening, here’s the excerpt (as a reality check):

struct ContentView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var dataController: DataController
    @StateObject private var viewModel = ViewModel() 

    var body: some View { 

DataController's byte-in-byte shamelessly stolen timidly borrowed from TwoStraw’s Portfolio Project. Main Project File looks like this:

struct TheBestAppEverMade: App {
    @StateObject var dataController: DataController

    init() {
        let dataController = DataController()
        _dataController = StateObject(wrappedValue: dataController)

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
                .environment(\.managedObjectContext, dataController.container.viewContext)

And here’s the beginning of my ViewModel:

extension ContentView {
    @MainActor class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
        @EnvironmentObject var dataController: DataController
        @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var managedObjectContext

@FetchRequest(entity: SomeEntity.entity(), sortDescriptors: [])
        private var someEntity: FetchedResults<SomeEntity>

Down the code I have couple of functions, extensively using fetched data. The work perfectly well, if I move all into one file, but if I call them from ViewModel, I’ve got this:

Accessing StateObject's object without being installed on a View. This will create a new instance each time.

It returns me functions’ results with optional values. I thought that if my ViewModel installed as an extension to my view, then its computed data should be already in ContentView. I guess, I was wrong, so my first attempt to fix it was to make fetchet results @Published. No avail, now it angry with property wrapper because of data type, for some reason. Fetch request line says:

Generic parameter 'Result' could not be inferred

And @Published var someEntity: FetchedResults<SomeEntity> says

Composed wrapper type 'Published<FetchedResults<SomeEntity>>' does not match type of 'FetchRequest<Result>.wrappedValue', which is 'FetchedResults<Result>'

And this is where I stuck. I don’t really understand why ‘just’ var and @Published var cast two different types. And, maybe I should share my data with ContentView some other way? Maybe as an enviroment object? And what does “wrapped value” mean here, in the first place?

Help, please!

P.S. I also thought about @Binding, but I hope it’s the wrong way.


You can only use @EnvironmentObject, @Environment and @FetchRequest inside a SwiftUI View.

You would need to pass your dataController as a parameter to your ViewModel and you would need to create a FetchRequest manually in your ViewModel.


I thought, this is exactly what I did. This is my ViewModel file:

extension ContentView {
    @MainActor class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
        @EnvironmentObject var dataController: DataController
        @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var managedObjectContext

@FetchRequest(entity: SomeEntity.entity(), sortDescriptors: [])
        private var someEntity: FetchedResults<SomeEntity>


Or, may be I don't understant what does "as a parameter" mean.


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The property wrappers don't work in your ViewModel. Even when it's a extension of a View. You need to declare them as you would declare them in a normal class.

var dataController: DataController
var managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext
@Published var someEntity: FetchedResults<SomeEntity>

Then declare a init() with your parameters and do what you need to do to set them up. Unless I got your question completely wrong.


No avail. Even when it's properly declared in ViewModel, the line of @Published var someEntity: FetchedResults<SomeEntity> returns the very same error:

Composed wrapper type 'Published<FetchedResults<SomeEntity>>' does not match type of 'FetchRequest<Result>.wrappedValue', which is 'FetchedResults<Result>'


It seems you can only use FetchResults with @FetchRequest. It seems it doesn't work without it.

As you have access to HWS+ you can take a look how to transfer to a ViewModel and how to deal with CoreData.


I do have access to HWS+, thanks for the link. I'm just not that far yet in Ultimate Portfolio.

I keep issue open and will report the solution when figure it out.



i think what you're trying to do is move the functionality of an @FetchRequest from a view to an @ObservableObject such as your ViewModel (or perhaps even your DataController).

you might consider having the view model manage an NSFetchedResultsController, and connect its fetched results with one of the object's @Published properties.

something like this (remember to import CoreData).

class ViewModel: NSObject, ObservableObject {

  // assume we're managing "Player" objects in Core Data.  
    @Published var players = [Player]()
    private let playerFRC: NSFetchedResultsController<Player>

  // you'll need to pass in a managed object context
  init(context: NSManagedObjectContext) {

   // set up a fetch request
    let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<Player> = Player.fetchRequest()
         fetchRequest.sortDescriptors = [
            NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Player.lastName_, ascending: true),
            NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Player.firstName_, ascending: true)
            // create a FRC with this fetch request
        playerFRC = NSFetchedResultsController(fetchRequest: fetchRequest,
      managedObjectContext: context, sectionNameKeyPath: nil, cacheName: nil)

    // you also need to make this object the delegate of the controller
        playerFRC.delegate = self
    // then get initial array of players from Core Data
        try? playerFRC.performFetch()
    players = playerFRC.fetchedObjects ?? []

and here's how you make the object respond as the delegate of the fetched results controller ... this is called when changes in Core Data are observed.

extension ViewModel: NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate {
    func controllerDidChangeContent(_ controller: NSFetchedResultsController<NSFetchRequestResult>) {
            // update the list ofplayers
        if controller == playerFRC {
            players = playerFRC.fetchedObjects ?? []

hope that helps,



The direct answer on my question is aproximately at 27th minute of beforementioned video. I really struggle summarize it shorter than Mr. Hudson did. If you encounter the same problem, I advice you to watch these two videos.

(or just avoid using MVVM in the first place, sometimes it creates chaos)


I rewatched it and it's at 28:20.

The short answer is: @FetchRequest doesn't work outside a SwiftUI View :)


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