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SOLVED: Sharelink problem with CSV file.

Forums > SwiftUI

I'm trying to add the ability to export data from my app in a CSV file via a Sharelink.

The demo code I'm working from, as provided in the "Meet Transferable" WWDC video is as follows:

import CoreTransferable
import UniformTypeIdentifiers

struct ProfilesArchive {
    init(csvData: Data) throws { }
    func convertToCSV() throws -> Data { Data() }

extension ProfilesArchive: Transferable {
    static var transferRepresentation: some TransferRepresentation {
        DataRepresentation(contentType: .commaSeparatedText) { archive in
            try archive.convertToCSV()
        } importing: { data in
            try ProfilesArchive(csvData: data)

This sample code uses the built in ios UTType of .commaSeparatedText.

I have a version of this working, but the file is shared (saved to disk, air dropped, etc) as a .txt file, not a .csv file. Thats not very intuitive for users.

Does anyone have experience with this? Thanks.


Solved this problem by declaring a custom UTType and not using the provided .commaSeparatedText type.

Notes for whoever has this same problem:

  • Create a custom UTType both via an extension to UTType in code and in Info.plist as explained in the WWDC Meet Transferable video.

  • In the Info.plist, the Export Type Identifier has to conform to "public.data". The WWDC video shows "com.public.data" but that caused an error when sharing the file. The error was "[ShareSheet] Couldn't load file URL for Collaboration Item Provider: ..."

  • If you save the file to a temp directory and transfer it via FileRepresentation, the full filename transfers, whereas using DataRepresentation creates a system generated filename based on your custom UTType. I didn't find a way to control that filename without saving a temp copy first.


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