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Set Button highlight background color

Forums > SwiftUI

Is it possible? Can't find any mention of it


Do you mean the colour behind the text or the text it self.

If text add modifier .foregroundColor(.blue)

if the colour behind the text add modifier .background(Color.blue) but would add .padding() first as it will not be big

if something else please be a bit more specfic.


Thanks @NigelGee
My custom needs are a white button on a white background and when you press down the background changes.


Do @State private var buttonTapped = false then modifier .background(buttonTapped ? Color.blue : Color.white) and in Button(action: put self.buttonTapped.toggle that should change the colour of button everytime you tap it.

PS you might need padding before the modifier


Doesnt this tapped state act the same as the UIButton's selected state? I'm looking to mimic UIButton's highlighted state


Maybe I need to either use UIButton Unfortunately cant introspect the button, as Button Not a UIButton


struct PrimaryButtonStyle: ButtonStyle {
    let height: CGFloat = 60
    func makeBody(configuration: Self.Configuration) -> some View {
            .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: height, maxHeight: height)
            .background(configuration.isPressed ? Color.red : Color.yellow)

Solved it like this ^


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