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Sequential FetchRequests in SwiftUI View

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I have a flashcard app which is using an NSPersistentCloudKitContainer with an NSManagedObjectModel that essentially looks like:

Card Entity (Private Store)

Attribute Type Example
contentID String fruit1
order Integer 1

Content Entity (Public Store)

Attribute Type Example
id String fruit1
content String Apple
order Integer 1

Because NSPersistentCloudKitContainer doesn't allow for relationships between the public and private stores, each Card has an attribute that is an ID of a Content which I can use in my FetchRequest.

The Content is learned sequentially and when the user learns the next Content a new Card is created to keep track of what they need to learn next.


I have a SwiftUI View that is supposed to show the next n Content the user will learn. This means I need one FetchRequest that will tell me the Card with the highest order attribute (i.e. the last thing learned) so that I can then make a second FetchRequest for the next n Content.

I would like to do something like this:

extension Card {
    static var lastCard: NSFetchRequest<Card> {
        let request = Card.fetchRequest()
        request.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Card.order, ascending: false)]
        request.fetchLimit = 1
        return request

extension Content {
    static func nextContent(fetchOffset: Int, fetchLimit: Int) -> NSFetchRequest<Content> {
        let request = Content.fetchRequest()
        request.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Content.order, ascending: true)]
        request.fetchOffset = fetchOffset
        request.fetchLimit = fetchLimit
        return request

struct ToLearnList: View {
    @FetchRequest var lastCard: FetchedResults<Card>
    @FetchRequest var content: FetchedResults<Content>

    var body: some View {
        List(content) { 

    init() {
        // I don't know what the user most recently learned so I must fetch it.
        _lastCard = FetchRequest(fetchRequest: Card.lastCard) 

        let fetchOffset = // <- How can I get this from `lastCard`?
        let fetchLimit = UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: "remainingDailyLearns")

        // This is what I actually need but I can't create a `FetchRequest` without 
        // knowing the most recent card.
        _content = FetchRequest(fetchRequest: Content.nextContent(fetchOffset: fetchOffset, fetchLimit: fetchLimit))

I want to use @FetchRequest because if the CloudKit public store changes or if the user adds a new Card on another device, the NSPersistentCloudKitContainer will synchronize the stores and the @FetchRequest will update the view.

What is the best approach to get some offset number of fetched results from a different entity?


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