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selection: Set<Object.ID> but ID is inaccessible

Forums > SwiftUI

When alphabetizing the var list causes hours of debugging:

When adding multiple selection to a Table

@State private var sortOrder = [KeyPathComparator(\Account.name)]
@State private var selection: Set<Account.ID> = []

compiles but this does not:

@State private var selection: Set<Account.ID> = []
@State private var sortOrder = [KeyPathComparator(\Account.name)]

It does not have to be a keypath definition that comes before Set<Account.ID> but any code that references the SwiftData Account object. Not sure why but even in the simplest test view the standalone selection definition gave the error:

'ID' is inaccessible due to 'internal' protection level

I'd appreciate any insight as to why this might be the case. Should I be looking at the app setup, the Schema, ??


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