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Sectioned list from @FetchRequest?

Forums > SwiftUI

I posted this last week about some problems I've been facing when deleting items from a sectioned list. I'm fairly confident after giving it some thought that the issue here is that I'm refreshing two independent sources of truth, which puts a dead-end in place for this approach to mutating my FetchedResults after the fetch. Which leaves me with the question…

Is there a better (right?) way to to grouping FetchedResults so that they can be rendered in a sectioned list?



hi Ben,

i've started to write a reply a few times and stopped, because i really don't see anything obviously amiss with your sectioning code.

i have used a similar setup, where the outer List is determined with a ForEach using a function of the @FetchRequest, and the function's return is either a 2-D array of items, or a 1-D array of custom structs (e.g., Array<SectionData>, where SectionData might have an id, the section's title, and the array of items for the section). i've not seen such a crazy animation for deletions before in either of these cases.

FWIW, i have had a constant struggle working with @FetchRequest and Core Data deletions, both when it comes to visual updates and the occasional crash with nil references to deleted Core Data objects. this happened even with a single section list.

so i have gone a slightly different route: i'll do a simple Core Data fetch() of all the items for the View and load them into a @Published array in an @ObservedObject (some sort of "viewModel") when the View comes on screen (usually, only the first time it comes on screen). then i do notifications when items are to be edited, added, or deleted; the viewModel picks up those notifications and makes an appropriate adjustment to its items array; and because this changes the items array, the View redraws using the viewModel's breakout of the items by section.

if you're interested in an example, take a look at my Shopping List project on Github. there are plenty of comments scattered around in the code to help folks understand what i did and why i did it.

hope that helps,



I took a different approach with my sections. In my Entity, there is an attribute called type (3 choices, Time, Timer & Location)

Here is the section for Time. There are 2 more identical for the other types.

      .padding(.top, 8)
      List {
         ForEach(getTimeEvents(), id: \.self) { event in

         TimeCell(event: event)
            .frame(height: 52)
            .onTapGesture {
               self.selectedEvent = event
         }.onDelete { indices in
            self.getTimeEvents().delete(at: indices, from: self.viewContext)


Where I sort for each section by using (there are 2 more of these for Timer & Location). They all use the normal fetchrequest var events.

func getTimeEvents() -> [Event] {
        return events.filter() { $0.type == .Time }


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