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SOLVED: scrollTo List ForEach Problem

Forums > SwiftUI

I have checked out the workaround (.id(UUID()) ) for the bug in scrollTo - List in iOS 16, but my project is using List ForEach and I cannot ge tthe scrolling to work (no crashes however). I just complete the 100 Days, so it is propbably a newbie dumb mistake? The commented out id I tried causes the compiler to timeout - unable to complete type checking... Thanks

ScrollViewReader { proxy in
                        List {
                            ForEach(scoredSkippers, id: \.self) { skip in
                                HStack {
                                    VStack {
                                        Image(systemName: "\(Int(skip.raceRawScore)).circle.fill")
                                        Text(skip.raceLetterScore == .๐Ÿ‘ ? "" : " \(skip.raceLetterScore.rawValue)").font(.caption2)
                                .onLongPressGesture {
                                    isShowingRaceScore = skip
                                .listRowBackground(skip.raceLetterScore != .๐Ÿ‘ ? Color(.systemYellow) : nil)

                            .onMove(perform: move)
                        .sheet(item: $isShowingRaceScore) { skip in
                            UpdateScoreView(thisRscore: skip)
                        .environment(\.editMode, .constant(.active))
                        .onChange(of: scoredSkippers.count) { _ in
                            proxy.scrollTo(scoredSkippers.count - 1)


Just looking at the code and think you need the id that scrollTo on the HStack (row)

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        ScrollViewReader { proxy in
            VStack {
                Button("Jump to #25") {
                    withAnimation {
                        proxy.scrollTo(25, anchor: .top)

                List {
                    ForEach(0..<51, id: \.self) { i in
                        HStack {
                            Text("Example \(i)")
                            Image(systemName: "\(i).circle.fill")
                        .id(i) // <- need the id on rows

Try paste this in a test project to see


I think @Nigel has the right answer.

Also, if you've finished the 100 Days of SwiftUI lessons, consider moving this code into your Skipper struct.

// Computed var for rowBackgroundColor

var rowBackgroundColor: Color { 
    raceLetterScore != .๐Ÿ‘ ?  .yellow : .white

Then in your ForEach view builder, you can use the computed var to clearly define what color your row background should be!

// Consider this instead...

HStack {
    // insert view code here...
    .listRowBackground(skipper.rowBackgroundColor) // <--DECLARE what you want. Put the logic in your Skipper struct!

This simple change will make your code easier to read. It's more Swifty!


Thanks for the input. 1) @Obelix I have a computed background color var now for rows in this view. 2) @NigelGee I managed to find the right combination of .id() and scrollTo for my situation based on your example:

ScrollViewReader { proxy in
                        List {
                            ForEach(scoredSkippers, id: \.id) { skip in
                                HStack {
                                    VStack {
                                        Image(systemName: "\(Int(skip.raceRawScore)).circle.fill")
                                        Text(skip.raceLetterScore == .๐Ÿ‘ ? "" : " \(skip.raceLetterScore.rawValue)").font(.caption2)
                                .onLongPressGesture {
                                    isShowingRaceScore = skip

                            .onMove(perform: move)
                        .sheet(item: $isShowingRaceScore) { skip in
                            UpdateScoreView(thisRscore: skip)
                        .environment(\.editMode, .constant(.active))
                        .onChange(of: scoredSkippers.count) { _ in


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