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Saving a state on sceneDidEnterBackground

Forums > SwiftUI


I am currently working on a simple puzzle game and I have a challenge that I am not sure how to tackle. Right now, when user minimalizes my game and starts to do other tasks, after a while the game starts from scratch and doesn't keep their game state.

Preferably, I would like to use UserDefaults to store the state (it's an array of objects and a couple of bools). But, here are the things that I am not sure about:

  1. Should I save the state to UserDefaults every time it changes or only when the app is minimalized?
  2. I tried to use different methods to trigger a behavior (print something to console) on app minimalize and the only way that works for me is sceneDidEnterBackground() inside SceneDelegate. My build target is set up to iOS 13.0 so I think I should be using applicationDidEnterBackground() inside AppDelegate (I have both files). Is it a proper behavior?
  3. If saving/loading should happen inside SceneDelegate, where I should retrieve the state of the game? Inside sceneWillEnterForeground() or sceneDidBecomeActive() or maybe inside init() of the game?

Thank you for any advice, Piotr


I found a solution that works best for me -

The way my code looks like is similar to this:

    .onReceive(NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: UIApplication.willResignActiveNotification)) { _ in

    .onReceive(NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: UIApplication.willEnterForegroundNotification)) { _ in



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