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SOLVED: Running a Timer while the App is in the Background

Forums > SwiftUI


I created a Round Timer, where the User can customise the number of rounds, and the time of each round and break. While the app works fine while it is in the foreground, I was struggling to find a solution how I could run the app while the app is in the background. My question is: how I could run the class even when the app is in the background? And whether this is even the right approach to create such a timer or is there a better way?

I have read some stuff on the backgroundtask framework, but from what I can comprehend the framework is not applicable to this type of task. I could be wrong since the documentation often makes little sense to me. Anyway, I would be grateful for any sort of help.

Thank You

class RoundTimer: ObservableObject{

var timer = Timer()
@Published var choicesRoundTime: [(String, [Int])] = [("Hour", Array(0...23)), ("Minute", Array(0...59)), ("Second", Array(0...59))]

@Published var selectedRoundTime: [Int] = [0, 0, 0] @Published var roundCounter: Int = 0

@Published var choicesBreakTime: [(String, [Int])] = [("Hour", Array(0...23)), ("Minute", Array(0...59)), ("Second", Array(0...59))]

@Published var selectedBreakTime: [Int] = [0, 0, 0] @Published var breakCounter: Int = 0

@Published var selectedNumberOfRounds: Int = 1 @Published var numberOfRounds: Int = 1

@Published var totalCounter: Int = 0 @Published var startstop: Bool = false @Published var roundbreak: Bool = true

@Published var remainingRoundTime: Int = 0 @Published var remainingBreakTime: Int = 0 @Published var remainingTotalTime: Int = 0

let timeFormatter: DateComponentsFormatter = { let f = DateComponentsFormatter() f.allowedUnits = [.hour, .minute, .second] f.unitsStyle = .positional f.zeroFormattingBehavior = .pad return f }()

func start(){ timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true) { timer in self.startstop = true self.roundCounter += 1 self.breakCounter += 1 self.totalCounter += 1 } }

func stop(){ timer.invalidate() }

func reset(){ timer.invalidate() self.roundCounter = 0 self.totalCounter = 0 self.numberOfRounds = 1 self.startstop = false self.roundbreak = true }

@objc func timerRoundDisplay() -> Int { remainingRoundTime = (3600 self.selectedRoundTime[0]) + (60 self.selectedRoundTime[1]) + self.selectedRoundTime[2] - self.roundCounter if self.startstop && self.roundbreak { if self.numberOfRounds <= self.selectedNumberOfRounds{ if remainingRoundTime < 1 { self.breakCounter = 0 self.roundbreak = false } } else { self.reset() self.startstop = false } } return remainingRoundTime }

@objc func timerBreakDisplay() -> Int { remainingBreakTime = (3600 self.selectedBreakTime[0]) + (60 self.selectedBreakTime[1]) + self.selectedBreakTime[2] - self.breakCounter if self.startstop && self.roundbreak == false { if self.numberOfRounds <= self.selectedNumberOfRounds{ if remainingBreakTime < 1 { self.roundCounter = 0 self.roundbreak = true self.numberOfRounds += 1 } } else { self.reset() self.startstop = false } } return remainingBreakTime }

@objc func displayTotalTimer()->Int { remainingTotalTime = (((3600 (self.selectedBreakTime[0] + self.selectedRoundTime[0])) + (60 (self.selectedRoundTime[1] + self.selectedBreakTime[1])) + self.selectedBreakTime[2] + self.selectedRoundTime[2]) * self.selectedNumberOfRounds) - self.totalCounter return remainingTotalTime } }



the "trick" with background timer is to not to run it. Instead you save when user started timer and when they return to the app you can calculate elapsed time ;-)


The other trick is that if you want to tell the user something when the app is in the background, use a UserNotification, which can be set for a specific time. You can add sound and a message, but it will not run code, unless the user presses on the notification when it shows up.


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