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Refresh view when sheet dismisses

Forums > SwiftUI

I want to know how to refresh a view when a sheet is dismissed, either by swiping down the sheet or clicking the close button.

I have a custom TabBarView that has a MicButtonView (this shows a circle button that when clicked shows a sheet)

Heres all my code for the TabBarView code. I also included the code for the ViewRouter. I'm trying to give a complete picture of what my code looks like so someone could help me with this?

struct TabBarView: View {
    @StateObject var viewRouter: ViewRouter
    @EnvironmentObject var dataController: DataController

    @State var showPopUpMenu = false
    @State private var showWhatsNewView = false

    var body: some View {
        GeometryReader { geo in
            VStack {

                // This is how we navigate
                switch viewRouter.currentPage {
                case .home:
                    ListOfRecordingsView(dataController: dataController)
                case .settings:
                    SettingsView(dataController: dataController)


                /// The TabBar
                HStack {

                    TabBarIcon(viewRouter: viewRouter,
                               assignedPage: .home,
                               proxy: geo,
                               systemIconName: "folder",
                               tabName: "Recordings"


                    MicButtonView(showPopUpMenu: $showPopUpMenu, proxy: geo)


                    TabBarIcon(viewRouter: viewRouter,
                               assignedPage: .settings,
                               proxy: geo,
                               systemIconName: "gearshape",
                               tabName: " Settings "

                .frame(width: geo.size.width, height: geo.size.height/Constants.flt8)

            } // End of VStack
            /// This disables the sidebar
        } // End of Geo Reader
        .onAppear {
            showWhatsNewView = dataController.checkForUpdate()
        .sheet(isPresented: $showWhatsNewView) {
            WelcomeScreenView(dataController: dataController)

/// This struct represents a single TabBar item
struct TabBarIcon: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var dataController: DataController
    @StateObject var viewRouter: ViewRouter
    let assignedPage: Page

    let proxy: GeometryProxy
    let systemIconName, tabName: String
    private let device = Device.current

    var body: some View {

        if device.isPad {
            HStack {
                Image(systemName: systemIconName)
                    .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
                    .frame(width: proxy.size.width/Constants.flt14, height: proxy.size.height/Constants.flt28)

                        for: .callout,
                        color: viewRouter.currentPage == assignedPage ?
                        Color(dataController.themeAccentColor) : .DarkGray
            .padding(.horizontal, -Constants.flt4)
            .onTapGesture {
                viewRouter.currentPage = assignedPage
            .foregroundColor(viewRouter.currentPage == assignedPage ?
                Color(dataController.themeAccentColor) : .DarkGray
            .offset(y: -proxy.size.height/Constants.flt16/Constants.flt2)
        } else {
            VStack {
                Image(systemName: systemIconName)
                    .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
                    .frame(width: proxy.size.width/Constants.flt5, height: proxy.size.height/Constants.flt28)
                    .padding(.top, Constants.flt10)

                        for: .footnote,
                        color: viewRouter.currentPage == assignedPage ?
                            Color(dataController.themeAccentColor) : .DarkGray
            .padding(.horizontal, -Constants.flt4)
            .onTapGesture {
                viewRouter.currentPage = assignedPage
            .foregroundColor(viewRouter.currentPage == assignedPage ?
                Color(dataController.themeAccentColor) : .DarkGray


struct MicButtonView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var dataController: DataController

    @Binding var showPopUpMenu: Bool
    let proxy: GeometryProxy

    private let device = Device.current

    var body: some View {
        Button(action: { showPopUpMenu.toggle() }, label: {
            ZStack {
                            device.isPhone || device.isPod ?
                                proxy.size.width/Constants.flt5 :
                            /// iPad config settings based on which orientation device is in
                            device.orientation == .portrait ?
                                proxy.size.width/Constants.flt6 :
                            device.isPhone || device.isPod ?
                                proxy.size.width/Constants.flt5 :
                            /// iPad config settings based on which orientation device is in
                            device.orientation == .portrait ?
                                proxy.size.width/Constants.flt6 :
                                proxy.size.width/Constants.flt10                )
                    .doubleShadow(radius: Constants.flt5)

                Image(systemName: "mic.fill")
                    .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
                            device.isPhone || device.isPod ?
                                proxy.size.width/Constants.flt7-Constants.flt6 :
                            /// iPad config settings based on which orientation device is in
                            device.orientation == .portrait ?
                                proxy.size.width/Constants.flt8-Constants.flt9 :
                            device.isPhone || device.isPod ?
                                proxy.size.width/Constants.flt7-Constants.flt6 :
                            /// iPad config settings based on which orientation device is in
                            device.orientation == .portrait ?
                                proxy.size.width/Constants.flt8-Constants.flt9 :
//                    .rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: showPopUpMenu ? 45 : 0))
            .sheet(isPresented: $showPopUpMenu) {
                MakeANewRecordingView(dataController: dataController, numberOfSamples: 10)
            x: device.isPad ? -Constants.flt27 : -Constants.flt0,
            y: -proxy.size.height/Constants.flt16/Constants.flt2)

Here is the ViewRouter:

class ViewRouter: ObservableObject {
    @Published var currentPage: Page = .home

enum Page {
    case home
    case settings


Hi @Appledad05

You can simply use the onDismiss parameter of your sheet

.sheet(isPresented: $showing, onDismiss: {
    // code to execute when sheet dismiss
  }, content: {


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