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SOLVED: Question about new way to good code

Forums > SwiftUI

Hello everyone!

I'm working on a app and trying to write code on the best way.

I have a View with 3 textfields and I want to join the three strings when an user press one button.

I create this func but I think there a more efficient way to do this.


func groupStrings(str1 : String, str2: String, str3: String) -> String {
        var arrStr : [String] = []
        if str1 != ""{
        if str2 != "" {
        if str3 != "" {
        return arrStr.joined(separator: ", ")



  • i would first change the argument to be a sinlge array of strings, so you won't have to write another function in a different view when you pass in, say, 2 string or 5 strings. so the signature would be
    func groupStrings(str: [String]) -> String
  • use the filter function to extract only the non-empty strings from the array str, and then call joined on the result, like this
    return str.filter({ !0.isEmpty }).joined(separator: ", ")

that's it!

func groupStrings(str: [String]) -> String {
    str.filter({ !0.isEmpty }).joined(separator: ", ") // there is no need to explicitly write the return statement

obviously, you'd change the way you call the function ... instead of

let myJoinedStrings = groupStrings(str1: textInField1, str2: textInField2, str3: textInField3)

you would write

let myJoinedStrings = groupStrings(str: [textInField1, textInField2, textInField3])

hope that helps,



I have slightly different way. With this you do not have to put the String into an array in call.

func groupStrings(_ string : String...) -> String {
    string.filter { !$0.isEmpty }.joined(separator: " ")

let joinString = groupStrings(textInField1, textInField2, textInField3, textInField4)


However if really want to make reusable then

func groupStrings(_ string : String..., separator: String = " ") -> String {
    string.filter { !$0.isEmpty }.joined(separator: separator)
let fullName = groupStrings(firstName, lastName)
let fullAddress = groupStrings(street, city, zip, separator: "\n")



David: This shows you the truth about Swift. There are many ways to accomplish a simple task!

I think @delaware's approach with filter is clever, but as he pointed out, it requires you to first put your strings into an array. This doesn't seem too objectionable, until @nigel proposed his response!

@Nigel gets my vote for the [Solved] tag. I only wish @nigel would have taken a paragraph or two to explain the String... notation in the function's parameter list.



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