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Problems with MultiComponentPicker

Forums > SwiftUI

https://www.hackingwithswift.com/forums/swiftui/custom-multicomponent-picker-pure-swiftui/2236 is a great post and adresses some interesting problems of Pickers within SwiftUI.

I am having an additional issue using a View with multiple pickers as a subview within a playground I am working on

Overall goal of a small project to learn SwiftUI I am currently workin on is to allow to add timers to a list of which each timer has a name and a duration (TimeInterval). So my views should work like this:

  • ContentView
    • List
    • Timers (name and duration as text)
    • Button to add --> pulling up the sheet
    • AddTimer (add a Timer)
      • HStack
      • Text
      • TimeValuePicker (see below - does not work)

The interval could be given as text (e.g. 1h 30m 15s) but I wanted to allow for "dialing" the interval.

So I designed a "TimeValuePicker"

  • to allow me to select hours, minutes and seconds to define a TimeInterval
  • consiting of three instances of a custom "ValuePicker" which is based on the original Picker

Embedding the TimeValuePicker on the Top Level of a NavigationView does work the way I want it. I tested it by adding TimeValuePicker (temp) to the structure given above as follows:

  • ContentView
    • TimeValuePicker (does work!)
    • List
    • ....

If it works it shows three dials to select the individual values...

BUT: When I try and use the same TimeValuePicker on a "sheet" within the NavigationView which is pulled up to add timers to a list, the TimeValuePicker collapses into a single line, no dials can be seen. Clicking on the TimeValuePicker (line) starts the NavigationView back and forth: first to the options for seconds, then for the minutes and then for the hours... I can not select the individual values.

Here are some code Snippets:

Root View

var body: some View {
        NavigationView() {
            VStack() {
                // Works here: TimePickerView(durationString: $testTime)
                List(selection: $selection) {  // bound to selection for later deletion
                    ForEach(Array(timers.items.enumerated()), id: \.element.id) {index, actitem in
                        HStack() {  // this HStack is required as the if the else is interpreted as multiple ambiguous views... 
                            if (self.editMode != .active) {
                                EditTimerView(timers: self.timers, 
                                              timerid: actitem.id, 
                                              name: actitem.name, 
                                              time: actitem.interval)) {
                                    TimerView(timers: self.timers, 
                                              id: actitem.id, 
                                              name: actitem.name, 
                                              time: actitem.interval, 
                                              editMode: self.editMode, 
                                              totalTime: Date.hourAndMinuteAsString(date: self.timers.accumulatedTime(startTime: self.startTime, atIndex: index)))
                            } else {
                                TimerView(timers: self.timers, 
                                          id: actitem.id, 
                                          name: actitem.name, 
                                          time: actitem.interval, 
                                          editMode: self.editMode, 
                                          totalTime: "") // Date.hourAndMinuteAsString(date: accumulatedStartTime))

                    .onDelete(perform: removeItems)
                    .onMove(perform: moveItems)
                .environment(\.editMode, self.$editMode)
                .sheet(isPresented: $showingAddTimer) {
                    AddTimerView(timers: self.timers)
                if (self.editMode != .active) {
                    Button(action: {
                        self.showingAddTimer = true
                    }) {
                        Image(systemName: "plus")
            .navigationBarItems(leading: editButton, trailing: deleteButton)


struct AddTimerView: View {
    @ObservedObject var timers : XTimers
    @State private var name = ""
    @State private var time = ""
    @Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            Form {
                TextField("Name of timer", text: $name)
                // this works to add this as a string '3h 1m 4s': TextField("Duration", text: $time)
                TimePickerView(durationString: $time)   // DOES NOT WORK
            .navigationBarTitle("Add new Timer")
            .navigationBarItems(trailing: Button("Save") {
                let item = XTimer(name: self.name, 
                                  interval: self.time)

TimePickerView (separate file hence declared public)

public struct TimePickerView: View {
    @Binding var durationString : String
    @State private var durationHoursState: Int = 0
    @State private var durationMinutesState: Int = 0
    @State private var durationSecondsState: Int = 0

    public init(durationString: Binding<String>) {
        self._durationString = durationString

    public var body: some View {
        // splitting the durationString into multiple bindings for the Valuepickers
                let durationSeconds = Binding<Int>(
                    get: {
                        let time = NSInteger(TimeInterval.timeInterval(fromAbbreviatedString: self.durationString))
                        let seconds = time % 60
                        return seconds
                }, set: {
                    var duration = $0
                    duration += self.durationMinutesState * 60
                    duration += self.durationHoursState * 3600
                    self.durationSecondsState = $0
                    self.durationString = TimeInterval.abbreviatedFormat(duration: Double(duration))

                let durationMinutes = Binding<Int>(
                    get: {
                        let time = NSInteger(TimeInterval.timeInterval(fromAbbreviatedString: self.durationString))
                        let minutes = (time / 60) % 60
                        return minutes
                }, set: {
                    self.durationMinutesState = $0
                    var duration = $0 * 60
                    duration += self.durationSecondsState
                    duration += self.durationHoursState * 3600
                    self.durationString = TimeInterval.abbreviatedFormat(duration: Double(duration))

                let durationHours = Binding<Int>(
                    get: {
                        let time = NSInteger(TimeInterval.timeInterval(fromAbbreviatedString: self.durationString))
                        let hours = (time / 3600) % 24
                        return hours
                }, set: {
                    self.durationHoursState = $0
                    var duration = $0 * 3600 
                    duration += self.durationSecondsState
                    duration += self.durationMinutesState * 60
                    self.durationString = TimeInterval.abbreviatedFormat(duration: Double(duration))

        return // GeometryReader { geometry in 
            // duration = TimeInterval.timeInterval(timeString: durationString)
            HStack() {
                ValuePicker(units: durationHours, unitsToStartWith: 0, unitsToAdd: 1, unitsToEndWith: 24, unitsName: "hours")
                ValuePicker(units: durationMinutes, unitsToStartWith: 0, unitsToAdd: 5, unitsToEndWith: 60, unitsName: "minutes")
                ValuePicker(units: durationSeconds, unitsToStartWith: 0, unitsToAdd: 15, unitsToEndWith: 60, unitsName: "seconds")



I made some (unexplicable) progress: changing the Form View into an HStack/VStack does the job. With this the Subview with multiple pickers is working as expected. Does anyone have an idea why?


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