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SOLVED: #Preview macros with @Binding<String>

Forums > SwiftUI



the new XCode 15 comes with macros, and a prominent one is the #Preview {}

However, in the past, I could do this

struct NetworkButton_Preview: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        @State var b:String = "Success test"
        @State var c:String = "Nope test"
            NetworkButton(selectedTab: $b)
            NetworkButton(selectedTab: $c)

where selectedTab is @Binding var selectedTab: String

But the same with the new syntax, will not work.

#Preview {
    @State var b:String = "Success test"
    @State var c:String = "Nope test"
        NetworkButton(selectedTab: $b)
        NetworkButton(selectedTab: $c)

I've looked through the WWDC video on it but couldn't find the answer. For now, I've reverted to using the old syntax pre-macros.

Is there a way?


Not sure if this will work for your use case ?

#Preview {
  @State var toggleA = false
  @State var toggleB = true
    return VStack {
        Toggle("A", isOn: $toggleA)
        Toggle("B", isOn: $toggleB)



No, no that's not it. That won't compile.

Cannot use explicit 'return' statement in the body of result builder 'ViewBuilder'


The body of a #Preview has to be a ViewBuilder, so you can't do what you are trying to do. You would need a View to go in there instead.

macro Preview(
    _ name: String? = nil,
    traits: PreviewTrait<Preview.ViewTraits>...,
    @ViewBuilder body: @escaping () -> any View
) -> ()

So something like this:

struct NetworkButtonStack: View {
    @State var b:String = "Success test"
    @State var c:String = "Nope test"

    var body: some View {
            NetworkButton(selectedTab: $b)
            NetworkButton(selectedTab: $c)

#Preview {


The solution to this is you need to return your VStack from the trailing closure.

#Preview {
    @State var b:String = "Success test"
    @State var c:String = "Nope test"
    return VStack{
        NetworkButton(selectedTab: $b)
        NetworkButton(selectedTab: $c)

The body of the #Preview is a closure that returns a View. So given how closures work by adding the State variables you can no longer us the shorthand implicit return. You must explicitly return the view.

macro Preview(
    _ name: String? = nil,
    body: @escaping @MainActor () -> View


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