I am currently teaching myself Swift and Swiftui, to that end I am creating an app that is semi useful to me. I have created a peice of functionality that works within the simulator as well as on a physical device but seems to cause a crash in the preview.
I have created the following model:
final class Hosts{
var ip: String?
var api_url: URL
var connected_too: Hosts? = nil
@Relationship(inverse: \Hosts.connected_too)
var connected_from: [Hosts] = []
var host_description: String?
var hostname: String
init(api_url: URL, hostname: String, ip: String?, host_description: String?){
self.api_url = api_url
self.host_description = host_description
self.hostname = hostname.lowercased()
self.ip = ip
I have a view that lists each instance of an object of this model type and I pass in the instance to a further view so that I can see the full details.
so the detail view is is like:
struct HostDetailView: View {
public var host: Hosts
During processing of this view a method is called:
func get_connected_too(host: Hosts) -> [Hosts]{
var current_host: Hosts = host
var connected_hosts: [Hosts] = []
while (current_host.connected_too != nil) {
current_host = current_host.connected_too!
return connected_hosts
this produces a list of connected too hosts or an empty list (so think device a is connected to switch b which is connected to router c). As I say this works perfectly on a defvice or on the simulator.
The issue is coming in when I try to create a preview. I have created the following:
struct HostDetailView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
Group {
HostDetailView(host: test_data())
.previewDisplayName("Default mode")
HostDetailView(host: test_data())
.previewDisplayName("Dark mode")
func test_data() -> Hosts{
let router: Hosts = Hosts(api_url: URL(string: "http://google.com")!, hostname: "router", ip: "", host_description: "Main router")
let host: Hosts = Hosts(api_url: URL(string: "http://yahoo.com")!, hostname: "router", ip: "", host_description: "Main router")
host.connected_too = router
return host
Unfortunately this causes the preview to crash, the pertinent part of the crash report is:
5 HostDetailView.1.preview-thunk.dylib 0x14edb51b4 __preview__get_connected_too(host:) + 140 (HostDetailView.swift:73)
6 HostDetailView.1.preview-thunk.dylib 0x14edb57cc closure #1 in HostLinksStruct.__preview__body.getter + 372 (HostDetailView.swift:44)
7 HostDetailView.1.preview-thunk.dylib 0x14edb5968 partial apply for closure #1 in HostLinksStruct.__preview__body.getter + 16
If I remove the while clause in the get_connected_too function the preview will work, but if I either comment out the content of the while or only the while start and end block the preview wil crash.
I suspect the issue might be with how I am constructing or providing the test data. Can anyone identfy what I might be doing wrong.