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SOLVED: Prevent Toolbar from showing Overflow-Menu

Forums > SwiftUI


I have a NavigationSplitView with items in the sidebars Toolbar.

Normally it looks like this:

However, when I select certain values, the appearance changes to something like this:

The "overflow menu" is empty. How can I prevent it from showing up?

My code looks like this:

.toolbar {
  ToolbarItemGroup {
    Picker(...) {
    Button {

    } label: {
      Image(systemName: "barcode.viewfinder")



Thanks in advance!


Maybe it will help to set the width frame for the displayed data? For example for ToolbarItemGroup or Picker .frame(width: UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width/number that fits)

"overflow menu" can be empty if any element (button) from the toolbar has no text.


Thank you for your reply! :)

I didn't change the frame sizes in the end, but your suggestion made me play around with the components a bit more and I ended up just wrapping the Picker and Button in a HStack.


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