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Presenting sheet causes view to navigate to root

Forums > SwiftUI


I have a weird problem with nav. In my root (home) view I use a tabbar. I'm picking tabItem 1 (a listview), from there, I click a row to see the details. From within the detail view, I have an edit button on the navbar.

When I hit edit, I have a sheet being presented to make changes. That works fine -- but the second the sheet opens, I can see in the background that I'm navigated all the way back to the root (home) view, with tabItem 0 selected (all the while, the sheet remains open).

Is there something I'm missing here? Or is this a bug? I don't want it to do this :( I want the user to stay where they pressed the 'Edit' button.

        .navigationBarItems(trailing: HStack {
            Button(action: { self.showEditSheet.toggle() }) { Text("Edit") }
        }).sheet(isPresented: self.$showEditSheet, content: {
            ExerciseEditView(exercise: exercise)
                .environment(\.managedObjectContext, moc)


I have a similar problem.

I have a "Feed View" (or home/root) where I have a tab bar, and one of tab bar menu points is a NavgationView with three sub views. I am asking the user to create a post across three views (see screenshots). In these sub views I'm using a sheet to get info like dates and such. But every time I present a sheet, the user is sent back to the root/home view.

Anyone else with that issue?


Oddly; this problem is no longer presenting itself for me though I can't for the life of me see what I might have done to fix it.


Hi, I have the exact same problem ! Do you have any explanation on how to make the tabs don't go to the root when we call a sheet ?


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