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SOLVED: Playing mp3 files

Forums > SwiftUI

Below is the code I use I use to play an mp3 file , say Bass Drum. I would have thought that after that process I would only have to put self.BDPlayer?.play() or BDPlayer?.play() in my code to play the sounds. As far as I can make out this doesn't work, so I have to recreate the avaudioPlayer and check for errors every time I want to play the sound. This is easy to do by creating a function, but it seems a very inefficient way to things.

Am I correct?

@State var BDPlayer: AVAudioPlayer?

if let BDURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Bass Drum", withExtension: "mp3") {
            do {
                try self.BDPlayer = AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: BDURL) /// make the audio player
                self.BDPlayer?.volume = 5
            } catch {
            print("Couldn't play audio. Error: \(error)")


I think you would just set currentTime to 0 on the same instance to play it again.


Hi SvenOaks and thanks for replying.

Swift didn't like currentTime. what is it exactly that I would type in.


Setting self.BDPlayer?.currentTime = 0 worked just fine for me.


Hi SvenOaks and thanks for replying.

Swift didn't like currentTime. what is it exactly that I would type in.


****Hi SvenOaks and Rooster Boy and thanks for replying.

Thanks heaps for your help. self.BDPlayer?.currentTime = 0 worked beautifully.


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