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.onLongPressGesture on a ForEach List

Forums > SwiftUI

Can anyone help me find the correct syntax to add a LongPressGesture to my List? I would like to make it the Delete action.

List {
                            ForEach(products) { product in
                                NavigationLink(destination: ProductView(product: product)) { // <- Tap to edit Product
                                    HStack {
                                        Group {
                                                .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)

                                            if let shoppingListProducts = shoppingList.products {
                                                Image(systemName: shoppingListProducts.contains(product) ? "circle.fill" : "circle")
                                    // Swipe right to add Product to Shopping List
                                    .swipeActions( edge: .leading,
                                                   allowsFullSwipe: true) {
                                        Button("Add to list...") {
                                    // Swipe left to remove Product from Shopping List
                                                   .swipeActions( edge: .trailing,
                                                                  allowsFullSwipe: false) {
                                                       Button("Remove from list...") {



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