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SOLVED: Need advise on grid lines displayed in a chart

Forums > SwiftUI

Hello Everyone, I have a chart related question. See thge chart in the image linked below. You can see the horizontal gridlines displayed under each bar. I'd like to get rid of them but I cant figure out how to do that. I've tried to add .chartXAxis(.hidden), that seems to remove them, but it also removes the date from the Y axis. Any ideas?


Thank you for any advise!

  Chart {
            ForEach(last5Crawls) { crawlData in
                    x: .value("Avg. Discovered by Google", crawlData.knownUrls),
                    y: .value("Crawl", crawlData.crawlDateLaunched),
                    width: 20
                .annotation(position: .trailing) {
                    Text("\(crawlData.knownUrls) (\(crawlData.knownUrlsChange, specifier: "%.2f")%)")
                        .font(.system(size: 10, weight: .semibold))
                        .foregroundColor(crawlData.knownUrlsChange < 0 ? .red : .green)
        .frame(minHeight: 180)
            "All Pages": Color.yellow
        .chartLegend(position: .top, alignment: .bottomLeading)


Try this modifier

.chartYAxis {
  AxisMarks(stroke: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 0))


.chartYAxis {
    AxisMarks { _ in


Genius, pure genius. Thank you @ygeres. Thank you very much!

This worked for me

.chartYAxis {
  AxisMarks(stroke: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 0))


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