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Navigation link under context menu problems

Forums > SwiftUI

Here is the code I have right now

@State private var selectedBook: Book? = nil

//...other code

ForEach(bookData){ bookDetail in
    BookView(book: bookDetail)
    .background(NavigationLink(destination: EditBook(book: bookDetail), tag: bookDetail, selection: $selectedBook){ EmptyView() })
       Button(action: {
           self.selectedBook = bookDetail
       }) {
           Label("Edit", systemImage: "pencil")

       Button(action: {
           //Delete action
       }) {
           Label("Delete", systemImage: "trash")

The reason the code is written this way is because the navigation link wasn't working if I put it directly under the context menu. My problem is that the .background modifier opens the view in the navigation link on the tap of the view it's bound to as well as the tap of the context menu. I need the tap action to open a different view so I want the current nav link to open only at a press of the context menu.


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