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SOLVED: MultiSelect doesn't working

Forums > SwiftUI


Hi I need your Help, I want to have a multiselection in my List but its not working. Do I do sth wrong?

@State private var selectedKosten = Set<UUID>()

Section("Personen") {
                HStack {
                    TextField("Füge eine Person hinzu:", text: $newPersonName)

                    Button("Hinzufügen", action: addSight)
                List {
                    ForEach(destination.personen) { personen in
                        NavigationLink() {
                            //List {
                                List(destination.kosten, selection: $selectedKosten) { kosten in
                            Text("\(selectedKosten.count) ausgewählt")
                        label: {
                    .onDelete(perform: deletePersonen)


I find in my lists (which are not as complicated as above), that adding ".tag( item)" helps.

Text( kosten.name ).tag( kosten.id )



Dont know why I cant choose anything, inside the Personen I cant choose kosten what can I do?


Simplify it until you can.

I see a list inside a ForEach, inside a Navigation Link, inside a list.

Strip it back, so you only have the

List(destination.kosten, selection: $selectedKosten) { kosten in

left. Make sure you try adding the .tag to the Text( ). If it works, bring back the rest until it doesn't work any more.

One thing I would say is I don't know if a list inside a list is supported, it already gets funky with a list inside of a ScrollView.


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