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List Load Image, use .onAppear Or .task(id:) modifier?

Forums > SwiftUI

hello. Each cell in the list contains an image.

The image data is stored as a binary data type in the core data, and you assign the image via UIImage(data:).

The .task(id:) modifier is onAppear + onChange, and we know that it redraws the view whenever the value of the id parameter changes, allowing for asynchronous processing.

Which modifier should I use, task or onAppear, to load the image stored in coredata for each cell of the list?

Using the task modifier seems to create more threads in the CPU Debug navigator when scrolling...

import SwiftUI

struct MainListImageRowView: View {
    @ObservedObject var item: ItemEntity
    @StateObject private var imageHolder = ImageHolder()

    var body: some View {
            // 1️⃣ use task modifier 👈
            .task(id: item.unwrappedThumbnailImageData) {

           // 2️⃣ use onAppear + onChange + onDisappear modifier 👈
            .onAppear(perform: loadImage)
            .onChange(of: item.unwrappedThumbnailImageData) { _ in
            .onDisappear(perform: unloadImage)

    private func loadImage() {
        imageHolder.image = UIImage(data: item.unwrappedThumbnailImageData)


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