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Is there a way to programmatically/iteratively assign keys to @AppStorage, @SceneStorage?

Forums > SwiftUI

Let's say I had some code that would allow a user to switch between "pages" and keep track of the last view shown and the number of taps made on each page:

enum ViewRouter: Int {
    case alpha, beta

struct Tapper: View { 
    @Binding var count: Int

var body: some View {
        Button("Tap me to ⬆️ value", action: {
            count += 1})
        Text("This page's tap total = \(count)")
        Button("Clear", action: {
            count = 0})

struct HomeView: View {
    @AppStorage("screen") var currentView: ViewRouter = ViewRouter.alpha

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            if currentView == ViewRouter.alpha {
                Page1(viewSwitcher: $currentView)
            } else {
                Page2(viewSwitcher: $currentView)

struct Page1: View {
    @Binding var viewSwitcher: ViewRouter
    @AppStorage("tapsForPage1") var tapCount: Int = 0

    var body: some View {
        Text("Page \(viewSwitcher.rawValue + 1)").font(.title)
        Button("➡️ 2", action: {
            viewSwitcher = ViewRouter.beta})
        Tapper(count: $tapCount)

struct Page2: View {
    @Binding var viewSwitcher: ViewRouter
    @AppStorage("tapsForPage2") var tapCount: Int = 0

    var body: some View {
        Text("Page \(viewSwitcher.rawValue + 1)").font(.title)
        Button("➡️ 1", action: {
            viewSwitcher = ViewRouter.alpha})
        Tapper(count: $tapCount)

Using the keys "TapsForPage1" for Page1 and "TapsForPage2" for Page2 are fine when there are just 2 pages, but what if there were 100 pages, and I'd be setting things up with a single struct named Page with each one having a pageNumber property, e.g.,

struct Page: View {
    @Binding var viewSwitcher: ViewRouter
    @Binding var pageNumber: Int
    @AppStorage("tapsForPageX") var tapCount: Int = 0

    var body: some View {
        Text("Page \(viewSwitcher.rawValue + 1)").font(.title)
        Tapper(count: $tapCount)

Is there a way to say "I want the key for each Page's @AppStorage (or @SceneStorage?) wrapper to be "tapsForPage\(pageNumber)"?" Is this even the correct method for going about doing what I'm attempting?


From my understanding you can't change the name of a @AppStorage (aka UserDefault key) at runtime.


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@AppStorage can save data.

Can you create a dictionary (Int: Int) where the first int is the page number and the second int is the number of taps. Then convert that dictionary to data to save in AppStorage? With a property observer on your dictionary, it should be able to save every time the page changes or the number of taps changes and save that to the @AppStore after a conversion.


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