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iOS 16 TextField, axis parameter, and keyboard avoidance

Forums > SwiftUI

I've not seen the issue I'm having discussed here or anywhere else since iOS 16 dropped. I've added the axis: .vertical parameter to a TextField view to make it expand vertically, eliminating the need for a ZStack hack that accomplished the same previously. The automatic keyboard avoidance behavior that was working as-expected prior to adding the new parameter has ceased. When I tap in the TextField now, the keyboard jumps up and covers it.

Has anyone else seen this?

Here's the code snippet in question:

                    TextField("", text: $cocktail.userNotes, axis: .vertical)
                       .placeHolder(Text("My notes"), show: cocktail.userNotes.isEmpty)
                       .padding(.vertical, 6)
                       .background(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 4)
                                        lineWidth: Constants.size.editBorderWidth))


I'm having the same issue and I didn't yet find any suitable solution...


Having the same issue. What was your solution with a ZStack?


I have the same issue with a TextEditor ...

I'm guessing this will work for both TextEditor and TextField with axis parameter: https://www.vadimbulavin.com/how-to-move-swiftui-view-when-keyboard-covers-text-field/

But I don't want to implement this just for just one TextEditor ... 🤨


This solution worked for me when I had a TextField with axis vertical added. This site won't let me post the link that has the write up.

But here is the code example:

List(messages) { message in
.safeAreaInset(edge: .bottom) {
        "New message",
        text: $newMessageText
        .onSubmit {
            // append message

Put the TextField as a view in safeArea inset. Works great.


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