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Initializing an Edit Form

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since I managed with your help to pass correct viewModel and data to my EditForm, I still cannot edit Ints or using a picker. There is the code

struct FoodDetailView: View {

    @Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode
    @StateObject var food: Food
    let viewModel:FoodViewModel  

    @State private var amount:Int16 = 0
    @State private var name:String = ""
    @State private var amountUnit:String = ""

    init(food:Food, viewModel:FoodViewModel) {
        self._food = StateObject(wrappedValue:food)
        self.viewModel = viewModel
        self._amount = State(initialValue:food.amount)
        self._amountUnit = State(initialValue: food.amountunit ?? "g")
        self._name = State(initialValue: food.name ?? "")
        print ("Init \(name) \(amount)  \(amountUnit) ")


    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            Form {
                Section(header:Text("Name des Lebensmittels")) {
                    TextField(food.name ?? "Lebensmittel", text:$name)

                Section(header:Text("Portionsgröße")) {

                    TextField(String(food.amount), value: $amount, formatter: NumberFormatter())

                    Picker("Einheit", selection:$amountUnit) {


                Button("Save") {
                    viewModel.updataFood(entity: food, name: name, amountUnit: food.amountunit ?? "g", amount: Int16(amount))

I tried to use my own init-function to set values. This works as far as I can see. Editing the food.name works fine, but editing food.amount(Int) or food.amountunit (based on a Picker) does not work. I stepped into Save-Action in the Debugger -> There are still the values I set within init set.


Not sure but in you have food.amountunit ?? "g" when think you should have the new value of amountUnit

viewModel.updataFood(entity: food, name: name, amountUnit: amountunit, amount: Int16(amount))

Also try to have the amount: Int16 to be just amount: Int then when you update cast it to Int16

It just a thought as the food name updates



Thanks. The enum binding is now working properly, but binding an Int still does not work. I try it like this....

import SwiftUI

struct AddFoodView: View {

    @Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode 
    @State private var name:String = ""
    @State private var amountUnit:AmountUnit = .g
    @State private var amount:Int = 50

    var viewModel:FoodViewModel

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            Form {

                Section(header:Text("Name des Lebensmittels")) {
                    TextField("Name", text:$name)
                Section(header:Text("Portionsgröße")) {

                    TextField("Menge", value: $amount, formatter: NumberFormatter()).keyboardType(.numberPad)
                    Text("Resulting \(amount)") // Even this text is not updated!!

                    Picker("Einheit", selection:$amountUnit) {

                Button("Save") {
                    viewModel.addFood(name: self.name, amountUnit: self.amountUnit, amount: self.amount)

Even the textfield which outputs "Resulting (amount)" is never updated. The field is initialized correctly with 50. But when you enter other numbers nothing, really nothing changes.



I found a workaround now and therefore created a new Controll named IntField:

import Foundation
import SwiftUI
import Combine

struct IntField: View {
    let text:String
    @Binding var int: Int
    @State private var intString: String  = ""
    var body: some View {
        return TextField(text, text: $intString)
            .onReceive(Just(intString)) { value in
            if let i = Int(value) { int = i }
            else { intString = "\(int)" }
        .onAppear(perform: {
            intString = "\(int)"

Usage of IntField:

IntField(text:"Amount", int:value)

But I still do not understand, why working with value and formatter does not work at all.


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