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SOLVED: How to save data for One-to-many relationships with Core Data

Forums > SwiftUI


Maybe it's elementary, but I can't figure out how to do it. After studying the One-to-many relationships with Core Data lesson, I created a project by slightly changing the display of the view and adding a window for creating a new candy.

How can I save this candy to the country I went to via the NavigationLink?

List {
            ForEach(countries, id: \.self) { country in
                NavigationLink(country.wrappedFullName) {
                    Form {
                        ForEach(country.candyArray,id: \.self) { candy in
                        Button("Add Candy") {

I create a new candy through

TextField("Candy name", text: $name)

The data is saved and a new candy appears, but a new country is also created

Button("Add") {
        let candy = Candy(context: moc) = name

        candy.origin = Country(context: moc) /// ?
        candy.origin?.shortName = "UK" /// ?
        candy.origin?.fullName = "United Kingdom" /// ?


What should be instead of these lines?

Thanks for the possible answers!


Because the line

candy.origin = Country(context: moc) /// ?

evertime creates a new country instead of reusing an existing one.

In your View you would need something like a Picker to choose an existing country instead of creating a new one. You then need to assign the Country to origin.



make a small func for your button with a candy: Candy parameter, try the below:

func addCandy(country: Country) {
let candy = Candy(context: moc) = name

        candy.origin = country


Your updated Button in the toggle sheet:

Button("Add") {
        addCandy(country: country) // The country here is the one taken from your "ForEach(countries, id: \.self) { country in"


Yes, I made a picker for selection, it did not work correctly. And after your answer, I thought again and found the problem. Now everything seems to be working!

Here is the code for the picker and save (may be useful to someone)

@State var selection: Country?

Picker("Country", selection: $selection) {
    ForEach(countrys, id: \.self) { (country: Country) in
            .tag(country as Country?)
Button("Add") {
    let candy = Candy(context: moc) = name
    candy.origin = Country(context: moc)
    candy.origin?.shortName = selection?.shortName
    candy.origin?.fullName = selection?.fullName ?? "New Country"



Tried the second answer option from @Bnerd too

Button("Add") {
   addCandy(country: country) /// Error: "Cannot find 'country' in scope"

I add var country = Country()

When you save Candy, the application crashes with a response:

Thread 1: "Illegal attempt to establish a relationship 'origin' between objects in different contexts...



Let's say your pop up sheet is like the below:

struct AddCandyView: View {
    @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var moc
    var selectedCountry: Country
    @State var name = ""

    var body: some View {
            TextField("Candy name", text: $name)
            Button("Add") {
                addCandy(country: selectedCountry)

    func addCandy(country: Country) {
        let candy = Candy(context: moc) = name

        candy.origin = country


your .sheet should be within the Foreach like this:

NavigationLink(country.wrappedFullName) {
                            //previous code here.
                        .sheet(isPresented: $presentingAddNewCandySheet) {
                            AddCandyView(selectedCountry: country)


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