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SOLVED: Apply 2 groups of modifiers to multiple text views ( aka create text styles ) ?

Forums > SwiftUI

I have multiple text views that need to be 1 of 2 styles.

      Text("Call the ambulance!")
          .font(.custom("Times New Roman", size: 20))

      Text("Call the fire department!")
          .font(.custom("Courier", size: 20))

      Text("Call the police!")
          .font(.custom("Times New Roman", size: 20))

      Text("Call the doctor!")
          .font(.custom("Courier", size: 20))

Is there a way to create an override to reduce the repeated coding?

// create myTextStyleA
// create myTextStyleB

            myTextStyleA("Call the ambulance!")

            myTextStyleB("Call the fire department!")

            myTextStyleA("Call the police!")

            myTextStyleB("Call the doctor!")


// define StyleA
// define StyleB

            Text("Call the ambulance!")

            Text("Call the fire department!")

            Text("Call the police!")

            Text("Call the doctor!")

I did already see the article at https://www.hackingwithswift.com/forums/swiftui/tip-use-of-extension-to-create-text-styles-for-a-consistent-look/6284 , but that method requires creating a separate Swift file - I was wondering if there's a way to do this within the ContentView.swift file ?

Thank you.


You should be doing them as a separate View or a custom ViewModifier. That's the SwiftUI way.

See these two articles:

View composition

Custom modifiers


I concur with @roosterboy, you should be trying to keep View as less cluttered as possible. By making a separate file it in one place that you can easily find and use in ANY views that you want the style. So if make a file called "MyStyleViewModifier" or what you want to call it and add this

enum Style {
    case one, two

fileprivate struct MyStyleViewModifier: ViewModifier {
    let style: Style

    func body(content: Content) -> some View {
            .background(style == .one ? .blue : .red)
            .foregroundStyle(style == . one ? .green : .yellow)
            .font(style == .one ? .custom("Times New Roman", size: 20) : .custom("Courier", size: 20))

extension View {
    func myStyle(_ style: Style) -> some View {
        modifier(MyStyleViewModifier(style: style))

then you can do this

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Call the ambulance!")

            Text("Call the fire department!")

            Text("Call the police!")

            Text("Call the doctor!")

PS you can always overide anything eg .font( :) as long puy it before myStyle( :)

Text("Call the ambulance!")
      .font(.custom("Courier", size: 20))


@roosterboy + @NigelGee Thanks, I will make some ViewModifiers.


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